java.util。Date equals()方法似乎并不像预期的那样有效

时间:2023-01-19 21:48:08


I have a Map<Date, Foo>, and a list of objects from the database with an effectiveDate property, and I want to check to see if the Date keys in my map are equal to any of the effectiveDates in the database - if so, do stuff with Foo.

我有一个Map ,以及一个数据库中具有有效日期属性的对象列表,我想检查我的映射中的日期键是否等于数据库中的任何有效日期——如果是的话,使用Foo做一些事情。 ,>

The code looks something like this:


for (Bar bar : databaseBars) {
  Foo foo = new Foo();
  if (dateMap.containsKey(bar.getEffectiveDate()) {
    foo = dateMap.get(bar.getEffectiveDate());
  // do stuff with foo and bar

However, the dateMap.containsKey call always returns false, even though I'm sure it's sometimes there.



As a sanity check, I've printed out the long values of the dates, as well as the results of an equals() call and a compareTo() call:


for (Date keyDate : dateMap.keySet()) {
  if (keyDate == null) {
    continue; // make things simpler for now

  Date effDate = bar.getEffectiveDate();

  String template = "keyDate: %d; effDate: %d; equals: %b; compareTo: %d\n";

  System.out.printf(template, keyDate.getTime(), effDate.getTime(), effDate.equals(keyDate), effDate.compareTo(keyDate));

The results:


keyDate: 1388534400000; effDate: 1388534400000; equals: false; compareTo: 0
keyDate: 1420070400000; effDate: 1388534400000; equals: false; compareTo: -1
keyDate: 1388534400000; effDate: 1420070400000; equals: false; compareTo: 1
keyDate: 1420070400000; effDate: 1420070400000; equals: false; compareTo: 0
keyDate: 1388534400000; effDate: 1388534400000; equals: false; compareTo: 0
keyDate: 1420070400000; effDate: 1388534400000; equals: false; compareTo: -1
keyDate: 1388534400000; effDate: 1420070400000; equals: false; compareTo: 1
keyDate: 1420070400000; effDate: 1420070400000; equals: false; compareTo: 0
keyDate: 1388534400000; effDate: 1388534400000; equals: false; compareTo: 0
keyDate: 1420070400000; effDate: 1388534400000; equals: false; compareTo: -1
keyDate: 1388534400000; effDate: 1420070400000; equals: false; compareTo: 1
keyDate: 1420070400000; effDate: 1420070400000; equals: false; compareTo: 0


1) Shouldn't equals and compareTo agree? (I assume the implementation of java.util.Date at least should try to follow the recommendation of java.lang.Comparable).


2) The Date#equals doc says this:

2) # = doc的日期是:

Thus, two Date objects are equal if and only if the getTime method returns the same long value for both.


...Looks like the getTime method returns the same long value for both of these dates, yet equal returns false. Any ideas why this might be happening? I've searched high and low, but I haven't found anyone describing the same problem.


P.S. I'm stuck using java.util.Date. Please don't just recommend JodaTime.


P.P.S. I realize I could just change the structure of this code and probably get it working. But this should work, and I don't want to just work around it, unless it's a known issue or something. It just seems wrong.


3 个解决方案



As Mureinik hinted at and Sotirios Delimanolis pointed out more specifically, the problem here is with the implementation of java.util.Date.

正如Mureinik和Sotirios Delimanolis更具体地指出的那样,这里的问题在于java.util.Date的实现。

java.util.Date is extended by 3 classes in the java.sql package, all of which seem to do similar things and whose distinction in java is not at all clear (seems like the reason for their existence is simply to make java classes which align more accurately to SQL datatypes) - for more information on their differences, check out this very detailed answer.


Now, in what seems like a serious design flaw, someone decided to make equals() asymmetric with java.sql.Timestamp - that is, timestamp.equals(date) could return false even if date.equals(timestamp) returns true. Great idea.

现在,在一个看起来很严重的设计缺陷中,有人决定用java.sql使equals()不对称。Timestamp -也就是说,Timestamp .equals(date)可以返回false,即使date.equals(Timestamp)返回true。好主意。

I wrote a few lines to see which java.sql classes demonstrate this ridiculous property - apparently it's just Timestamp. This code:


java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();

java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());

System.out.println("sqlDate equals utilDate:\t" + sqlDate.equals(utilDate));
System.out.println("utilDate equals sqlDate:\t" + utilDate.equals(sqlDate));

java.sql.Time time = new java.sql.Time(utilDate.getTime());

System.out.println("time equals utilDate:\t\t" + time.equals(utilDate));
System.out.println("utilDate equals time:\t\t" + utilDate.equals(time));

java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(utilDate.getTime());

System.out.println("timestamp equals utilDate:\t" + timestamp.equals(utilDate));
System.out.println("utilDate equals timestamp:\t" + utilDate.equals(timestamp));

Yields this:


sqlDate equals utilDate:    true
utilDate equals sqlDate:    true
time equals utilDate:       true
utilDate equals time:       true
timestamp equals utilDate:  false
utilDate equals timestamp:  true

Since java.util.HashMap uses parameter.equals(key) in it's implementation of containsKey() (rather than key.equals(parameter)), this one strange result shows up in the given situation.

因为java.util。HashMap在实现containsKey()时使用parameters .equals(key)(而不是key.equals(parameter)),这个奇怪的结果出现在给定的情况中。

So, how to get around this?


1) Use a Long key in the map rather than a Date (as Mureinik noted) - since java.util.Date and java.util.Timestamp return the same value from getTime(), it shouldn't matter which implementation you're using, the key will be the same. This way does seem like the simplest.


2) Standardize the date object before using it in the map. This way requires a tiny bit more work, but to me seems more desirable as it's more clear what the map is - a bunch of Foo each stored against a moment in time. This is the way I ended up using, with the following method:


public Date getStandardizedDate(Date date) {
  return new Date(date.getTime());

It takes an extra method call (and kind of a ridiculous one at that), but to me the increased readability of the code involving the Map<Date, Foo> is worth it.

它需要一个额外的方法调用(这有点荒谬),但是对我来说,涉及Map 是值得的。 的代码的可读性增加了,foo>



Part 1: "Shouldn't equals agree with compareTo?*


No; compareTo should agree with equals, but the reverse is irrelevant.


compareTo is about sorting order. equals is about equality. Consider race cars, that may be sorted by fastest lap time in practice to determine starting position. Equal lap times does not mean they are the same car.


Part 2: Equal dates.


Database calls will return a java.sql.Date, which although it is assignable to java.util.Dare, because it extends that, will not be equal, because the class is different.


A work around may be:


java.util.Date test;
java.sql.Date date;
if (date.equals(new java.sql.Date(test.getTime()))



A Date object returned from a database would probably be a java.sql.Timestamp, which cannot be equal to a java.util.Date object. I'd just take the long returned from getTime(), and use that as a key in your HashMap.




As Mureinik hinted at and Sotirios Delimanolis pointed out more specifically, the problem here is with the implementation of java.util.Date.

正如Mureinik和Sotirios Delimanolis更具体地指出的那样,这里的问题在于java.util.Date的实现。

java.util.Date is extended by 3 classes in the java.sql package, all of which seem to do similar things and whose distinction in java is not at all clear (seems like the reason for their existence is simply to make java classes which align more accurately to SQL datatypes) - for more information on their differences, check out this very detailed answer.


Now, in what seems like a serious design flaw, someone decided to make equals() asymmetric with java.sql.Timestamp - that is, timestamp.equals(date) could return false even if date.equals(timestamp) returns true. Great idea.

现在,在一个看起来很严重的设计缺陷中,有人决定用java.sql使equals()不对称。Timestamp -也就是说,Timestamp .equals(date)可以返回false,即使date.equals(Timestamp)返回true。好主意。

I wrote a few lines to see which java.sql classes demonstrate this ridiculous property - apparently it's just Timestamp. This code:


java.util.Date utilDate = new java.util.Date();

java.sql.Date sqlDate = new java.sql.Date(utilDate.getTime());

System.out.println("sqlDate equals utilDate:\t" + sqlDate.equals(utilDate));
System.out.println("utilDate equals sqlDate:\t" + utilDate.equals(sqlDate));

java.sql.Time time = new java.sql.Time(utilDate.getTime());

System.out.println("time equals utilDate:\t\t" + time.equals(utilDate));
System.out.println("utilDate equals time:\t\t" + utilDate.equals(time));

java.sql.Timestamp timestamp = new java.sql.Timestamp(utilDate.getTime());

System.out.println("timestamp equals utilDate:\t" + timestamp.equals(utilDate));
System.out.println("utilDate equals timestamp:\t" + utilDate.equals(timestamp));

Yields this:


sqlDate equals utilDate:    true
utilDate equals sqlDate:    true
time equals utilDate:       true
utilDate equals time:       true
timestamp equals utilDate:  false
utilDate equals timestamp:  true

Since java.util.HashMap uses parameter.equals(key) in it's implementation of containsKey() (rather than key.equals(parameter)), this one strange result shows up in the given situation.

因为java.util。HashMap在实现containsKey()时使用parameters .equals(key)(而不是key.equals(parameter)),这个奇怪的结果出现在给定的情况中。

So, how to get around this?


1) Use a Long key in the map rather than a Date (as Mureinik noted) - since java.util.Date and java.util.Timestamp return the same value from getTime(), it shouldn't matter which implementation you're using, the key will be the same. This way does seem like the simplest.


2) Standardize the date object before using it in the map. This way requires a tiny bit more work, but to me seems more desirable as it's more clear what the map is - a bunch of Foo each stored against a moment in time. This is the way I ended up using, with the following method:


public Date getStandardizedDate(Date date) {
  return new Date(date.getTime());

It takes an extra method call (and kind of a ridiculous one at that), but to me the increased readability of the code involving the Map<Date, Foo> is worth it.

它需要一个额外的方法调用(这有点荒谬),但是对我来说,涉及Map 是值得的。 的代码的可读性增加了,foo>



Part 1: "Shouldn't equals agree with compareTo?*


No; compareTo should agree with equals, but the reverse is irrelevant.


compareTo is about sorting order. equals is about equality. Consider race cars, that may be sorted by fastest lap time in practice to determine starting position. Equal lap times does not mean they are the same car.


Part 2: Equal dates.


Database calls will return a java.sql.Date, which although it is assignable to java.util.Dare, because it extends that, will not be equal, because the class is different.


A work around may be:


java.util.Date test;
java.sql.Date date;
if (date.equals(new java.sql.Date(test.getTime()))



A Date object returned from a database would probably be a java.sql.Timestamp, which cannot be equal to a java.util.Date object. I'd just take the long returned from getTime(), and use that as a key in your HashMap.
