
时间:2020-12-02 21:44:39

i have the following function


 function change() 
       var input = document.getElementById('pas');
       var input2 = input.cloneNode(false);
       input2.type = 'password';

but focus() doesn't work in ie7, so what can i do! i want to have the cursor inside of input!





great solution, thanks, but now it doesn't work in opera:(


7 个解决方案



For IE you need to use a settimeout function due to it being lazy, for example:


setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('myInput').focus(); }, 10);

From http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in-ie-solution/


For opera, this may help: how to set focus in required index on textbox for opera




We hit the same issue. For focusing we are using General function which is applying settimeout solution mentioned in: http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in-ie-solution/ with 100 milliseconds.

我们遇到了同样的问题。为了集中注意力,我们使用的是通用函数,它使用了http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in- e-solution/,时间为100毫秒。

Still on some screens it's not working properly. Especially when iframes are included. There is another known and similar IE issue:
IE 9 and IE 10 cannot enter text into input text boxes from time to time -> IE 9 and IE 10 cannot enter text into input text boxes from time to time

仍然在一些屏幕上,它不能正常工作。特别是当包含iframe时。有另一个已知的和类似的IE问题:ie9和ie10不能在输入文本框中不时地输入文本——> ie9和IE 10不能不时地输入文本框。

What I have noticed is when you have focus, without pointer, you can apply workaround by pressing TAB key (focus on next element) and than SHIFT+TAB which will return to our target element with focus and typing pointer. In order to be sure we can type inside input we focus on random element and then on our target input.



So we applied the same solution in javascript/JQuery in our general focus function. So there is an if statement


if($.browser.msie) {
    setTimeout(function() { try {
        $('body').focus(); //First focus on random element
        $(n).focus(); //Now focus on target element
    } catch (e) { /*just ignore */ } }, 100); //See http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in-ie-solution/
} else { //Standard FF, Chrome, Safari solution...

To be sure since there is big regression we are still keeping solution with settimeout as a backup. Tested on IE10, IE11, Firefox 45, Chrome 49.0.2623.87

可以肯定的是,由于有很大的回归,我们仍然保留了settimeout作为备份的解决方案。在IE10, IE11, Firefox 45, Chrome 49.0.2623.87上测试



IE7 does not support the focus() method. I don't see any method.




I've had the same issue and was able to get IE to work using code behind by making a SetInitialFocus function and calling it in my PageLoad function.


Take a look at the following example and give it a shot, it worked for me. http://www.cambiaresearch.com/c4/df9f071c-a9eb-4d82-87fc-1a66bdcc068e/Set-Initial-Focus-on-an-aspnet-Page.aspx

看看下面的例子,给它一个机会,它对我有用。http://www.cambiaresearch.com/c4/df9f071c a9eb - 4 d82 - 87 - fc - 1 - a66bdcc068e/set -初始焦点- - - aspnet page.aspx



function change() {
    var input = document.getElementById('pas');
    var input2 = input.cloneNode(false);
    input2.type = 'password';
    input.parentNode.replaceChild(input2, input);
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 10);



In Case you are looking to set focus in 1st input element of last row in table.Name of my div where i have kept my table is tableDiv and i am setting focus to last row's 1st inputtext


    $($('#tableDiv  tr:last').find('input[type=text]')[0]).focus();



Its is very easy using jQuery, not sure why you are doing it the hard way :) In this example I have a class assigned to the input field I want the initial focus set called initFocus. You can use any selector you want to find your element. from your code I would use $("#pas").focus();





For IE you need to use a settimeout function due to it being lazy, for example:


setTimeout(function() { document.getElementById('myInput').focus(); }, 10);

From http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in-ie-solution/


For opera, this may help: how to set focus in required index on textbox for opera




We hit the same issue. For focusing we are using General function which is applying settimeout solution mentioned in: http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in-ie-solution/ with 100 milliseconds.

我们遇到了同样的问题。为了集中注意力,我们使用的是通用函数,它使用了http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in- e-solution/,时间为100毫秒。

Still on some screens it's not working properly. Especially when iframes are included. There is another known and similar IE issue:
IE 9 and IE 10 cannot enter text into input text boxes from time to time -> IE 9 and IE 10 cannot enter text into input text boxes from time to time

仍然在一些屏幕上,它不能正常工作。特别是当包含iframe时。有另一个已知的和类似的IE问题:ie9和ie10不能在输入文本框中不时地输入文本——> ie9和IE 10不能不时地输入文本框。

What I have noticed is when you have focus, without pointer, you can apply workaround by pressing TAB key (focus on next element) and than SHIFT+TAB which will return to our target element with focus and typing pointer. In order to be sure we can type inside input we focus on random element and then on our target input.



So we applied the same solution in javascript/JQuery in our general focus function. So there is an if statement


if($.browser.msie) {
    setTimeout(function() { try {
        $('body').focus(); //First focus on random element
        $(n).focus(); //Now focus on target element
    } catch (e) { /*just ignore */ } }, 100); //See http://www.mkyong.com/javascript/focus-is-not-working-in-ie-solution/
} else { //Standard FF, Chrome, Safari solution...

To be sure since there is big regression we are still keeping solution with settimeout as a backup. Tested on IE10, IE11, Firefox 45, Chrome 49.0.2623.87

可以肯定的是,由于有很大的回归,我们仍然保留了settimeout作为备份的解决方案。在IE10, IE11, Firefox 45, Chrome 49.0.2623.87上测试



IE7 does not support the focus() method. I don't see any method.




I've had the same issue and was able to get IE to work using code behind by making a SetInitialFocus function and calling it in my PageLoad function.


Take a look at the following example and give it a shot, it worked for me. http://www.cambiaresearch.com/c4/df9f071c-a9eb-4d82-87fc-1a66bdcc068e/Set-Initial-Focus-on-an-aspnet-Page.aspx

看看下面的例子,给它一个机会,它对我有用。http://www.cambiaresearch.com/c4/df9f071c a9eb - 4 d82 - 87 - fc - 1 - a66bdcc068e/set -初始焦点- - - aspnet page.aspx



function change() {
    var input = document.getElementById('pas');
    var input2 = input.cloneNode(false);
    input2.type = 'password';
    input.parentNode.replaceChild(input2, input);
    setTimeout(function () {
    }, 10);



In Case you are looking to set focus in 1st input element of last row in table.Name of my div where i have kept my table is tableDiv and i am setting focus to last row's 1st inputtext


    $($('#tableDiv  tr:last').find('input[type=text]')[0]).focus();



Its is very easy using jQuery, not sure why you are doing it the hard way :) In this example I have a class assigned to the input field I want the initial focus set called initFocus. You can use any selector you want to find your element. from your code I would use $("#pas").focus();

