
时间:2022-07-07 21:45:12

I have a table in oracle with a BLOB column, that can store XMLs and as well XMLs zipped. These are requirements from the customer and can't be changed. The tables will be created and I have to read and work with some information inside the BLOBs.


I have researched and any of the unclear solutions were clear or worked for me.


The problem I am facing is that to INSERT XML plain data bigger than 2000 bytes with utl_raw.cast_to_raw using DBeaver as Database Manager. I received the message:


SQL Error [6502] [65000]: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: raw variable length too long ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_RAW", line 224
java.sql.SQLException: ORA-06502: PL/SQL: numeric or value error: raw variable length too long
ORA-06512: at "SYS.UTL_RAW", line 224


  1. I have researched and UTL_RAW can't be longer than 2000 bytes
  2. 我研究过,UTL_RAW不能超过2000字节

  3. it seems that there is another limitation of 4000 bytes for BLOBs in Oracle
  4. 对于Oracle中的BLOB,似乎还有4000字节的限制

What could I do for those cases?


2 个解决方案



For starters, you need to understand what LOBs are. They are "large data", possibly larger than any other data types in Oracle. They are like regular files on a filesystem. In order to write to a file on a filesytem, you'll have to


  1. open the file for writing
  2. 打开文件进行写作

  3. truncate the file if you wish to start filling it from scratch
  4. 如果您希望从头开始填充文件,请截断该文件

  5. read your source data in chunks in a loop
  6. 在循环中以块的形式读取源数据

  7. append your data chunks to the file in the same loop, one by one
  8. 将数据块一个接一个地附加到同一循环中的文件中

  9. close the file
  10. 关闭文件

More or less the same is true for LOBs. In your table, a LOB (CLOB/BLOB/NCLOB) column is just a pointer/reference to another place on your disk storage holding the actual data. In standard Oracle terms, the pointer is called "LOB locator". You need to

LOB或多或少都是如此。在您的表中,LOB(CLOB / BLOB / NCLOB)列只是指向磁盘存储上保存实际数据的另一个位置的指针/引用。在标准Oracle术语中,指针称为“LOB定位符”。你需要

  1. open/initialize the LOB locator
  2. 打开/初始化LOB定位器

  3. truncate the LOB contents, if you wish to start filling it from scratch
  4. 如果您希望从头开始填充它,请截断LOB内容

  5. append your data chunks to the LOB contents in a loop, one by one
  6. 将数据块一个接一个地附加到循环中的LOB内容中

  7. close the LOB locator
  8. 关闭LOB定位器

In PL/SQL it could look like this:

在PL / SQL中,它看起来像这样:

-- create table blob_test(id number, b blob);

  v_b blob; 
  aaa raw(32767);
  longLine varchar2(32767);
  longLine :=  LPAD('aaaa', 32767,'x');
  aaa := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(longLine);
  insert into blob_test values(1,empty_blob()) returning b into v_b;
  dbms_lob.writeappend(v_b,UTL_RAW.LENGTH (aaa) ,aaa);

An explanation:

  1. initialize the LOB locator = insert into blob_test values(1,empty_blob()) returning b into v_b;
  2. 初始化LOB locator = insert到blob_test值(1,empty_blob())将b返回到v_b;

  3. open the LOB locator for writing = dbms_lob.open(v_b,dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
  4. 打开LOB定位器以写入= dbms_lob.open(v_b,dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);

  5. truncate the LOB contents, if you wish to start filling it from scratch ... This is done by the empty_blob() call in the insert.
  6. 截断LOB内容,如果你想从头开始填充...这是通过插入中的empty_blob()调用完成的。

  7. append your data chunks to the LOB contents in a loop, one by one = here only one iteration of dbms_lob.writeappend(), appending only a single chunk aaa of length utl_raw.length(aaa) (maximum of 32767) into the LOB v_b
  8. 将数据块一个接一个地附加到循环中的LOB内容中=这里只有一次dbms_lob.writeappend()的迭代,只将一个长度为utl_raw.length(aaa)的单块aaa(最大值为32767)附加到LOB v_b中

  9. close the LOB locator = dbms_lob.close(LOB_LOC=>v_b);
  10. 关闭LOB locator = dbms_lob.close(LOB_LOC => v_b);



Function utl_raw.cast_to_raw converts a value of data type VARCHAR2 into a raw value. Obviously, the length of the string is limited by VARCHAR2 datatype. If you need convert large text data to LOB you can use DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOBLOB procedure.


For example you can create function to convert large string value (clob as input) to blob. something like this -

例如,您可以创建函数将大字符串值(clob作为输入)转换为blob。像这样的东西 -

create or replace function ClobToBlob (p_clob in clob) return blob is
   l_dest_offset   integer := 1;
   l_source_offset integer := 1;
   p_csid          number  := 0;
   l_lang_context  integer := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;
   l_warning       integer := DBMS_LOB.WARN_INCONVERTIBLE_CHAR;
   l_tmpblob blob;

   dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_tmpblob, true);
  return l_tmpblob;



For starters, you need to understand what LOBs are. They are "large data", possibly larger than any other data types in Oracle. They are like regular files on a filesystem. In order to write to a file on a filesytem, you'll have to


  1. open the file for writing
  2. 打开文件进行写作

  3. truncate the file if you wish to start filling it from scratch
  4. 如果您希望从头开始填充文件,请截断该文件

  5. read your source data in chunks in a loop
  6. 在循环中以块的形式读取源数据

  7. append your data chunks to the file in the same loop, one by one
  8. 将数据块一个接一个地附加到同一循环中的文件中

  9. close the file
  10. 关闭文件

More or less the same is true for LOBs. In your table, a LOB (CLOB/BLOB/NCLOB) column is just a pointer/reference to another place on your disk storage holding the actual data. In standard Oracle terms, the pointer is called "LOB locator". You need to

LOB或多或少都是如此。在您的表中,LOB(CLOB / BLOB / NCLOB)列只是指向磁盘存储上保存实际数据的另一个位置的指针/引用。在标准Oracle术语中,指针称为“LOB定位符”。你需要

  1. open/initialize the LOB locator
  2. 打开/初始化LOB定位器

  3. truncate the LOB contents, if you wish to start filling it from scratch
  4. 如果您希望从头开始填充它,请截断LOB内容

  5. append your data chunks to the LOB contents in a loop, one by one
  6. 将数据块一个接一个地附加到循环中的LOB内容中

  7. close the LOB locator
  8. 关闭LOB定位器

In PL/SQL it could look like this:

在PL / SQL中,它看起来像这样:

-- create table blob_test(id number, b blob);

  v_b blob; 
  aaa raw(32767);
  longLine varchar2(32767);
  longLine :=  LPAD('aaaa', 32767,'x');
  aaa := UTL_RAW.CAST_TO_RAW(longLine);
  insert into blob_test values(1,empty_blob()) returning b into v_b;
  dbms_lob.writeappend(v_b,UTL_RAW.LENGTH (aaa) ,aaa);

An explanation:

  1. initialize the LOB locator = insert into blob_test values(1,empty_blob()) returning b into v_b;
  2. 初始化LOB locator = insert到blob_test值(1,empty_blob())将b返回到v_b;

  3. open the LOB locator for writing = dbms_lob.open(v_b,dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
  4. 打开LOB定位器以写入= dbms_lob.open(v_b,dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);

  5. truncate the LOB contents, if you wish to start filling it from scratch ... This is done by the empty_blob() call in the insert.
  6. 截断LOB内容,如果你想从头开始填充...这是通过插入中的empty_blob()调用完成的。

  7. append your data chunks to the LOB contents in a loop, one by one = here only one iteration of dbms_lob.writeappend(), appending only a single chunk aaa of length utl_raw.length(aaa) (maximum of 32767) into the LOB v_b
  8. 将数据块一个接一个地附加到循环中的LOB内容中=这里只有一次dbms_lob.writeappend()的迭代,只将一个长度为utl_raw.length(aaa)的单块aaa(最大值为32767)附加到LOB v_b中

  9. close the LOB locator = dbms_lob.close(LOB_LOC=>v_b);
  10. 关闭LOB locator = dbms_lob.close(LOB_LOC => v_b);



Function utl_raw.cast_to_raw converts a value of data type VARCHAR2 into a raw value. Obviously, the length of the string is limited by VARCHAR2 datatype. If you need convert large text data to LOB you can use DBMS_LOB.CONVERTTOBLOB procedure.


For example you can create function to convert large string value (clob as input) to blob. something like this -

例如,您可以创建函数将大字符串值(clob作为输入)转换为blob。像这样的东西 -

create or replace function ClobToBlob (p_clob in clob) return blob is
   l_dest_offset   integer := 1;
   l_source_offset integer := 1;
   p_csid          number  := 0;
   l_lang_context  integer := DBMS_LOB.DEFAULT_LANG_CTX;
   l_warning       integer := DBMS_LOB.WARN_INCONVERTIBLE_CHAR;
   l_tmpblob blob;

   dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_tmpblob, true);
  return l_tmpblob;