
时间:2021-08-08 21:45:28

I'm using this code to generate U+10FFFC

我正在使用此代码生成U + 10FFFC

var s = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(new byte[] {0xF4,0x8F,0xBF,0xBC});

I know it's for private-use and such, but it does display a single character as I'd expect when displaying it. The problems come when manipulating this unicode character.


If I later do this:


foreach(var ch in s)

Instead of it printing just the single character, it prints two characters (i.e. the string is apparently composed of two characters). If I alter my loop to add these characters back to an empty string like so:


string tmp="";
foreach(var ch in s)
    tmp += ch;

At the end of this, tmp will print just a single character.


What exactly is going on here? I thought that char contains a single unicode character and I never had to worry about how many bytes a character is unless I'm doing conversion to bytes. My real use case is I need to be able to detect when very large unicode characters are used in a string. Currently I have something like this:


foreach(var ch in s)
    if(ch>=0x100000 && ch<=0x10FFFF)
        Console.WriteLine("special character!");

However, because of this splitting of very large characters, this doesn't work. How can I modify this to make it work?


4 个解决方案



U+10FFFC is one Unicode code point, but string's interface does not expose a sequence of Unicode code points directly. Its interface exposes a sequence of UTF-16 code units. That is a very low-level view of text. It is quite unfortunate that such a low-level view of text was grafted onto the most obvious and intuitive interface available... I'll try not to rant much about how I don't like this design, and just say that not matter how unfortunate, it is just a (sad) fact you have to live with.

U + 10FFFC是一个Unicode代码点,但字符串的接口不直接公开一系列Unicode代码点。它的接口公开了一系列UTF-16代码单元。这是一个非常低级别的文本视图。非常不幸的是,这种低级别的文本视图被嫁接到最明显和最直观的界面上......我会尽量不去嘲笑我不喜欢这个设计,只是说不管怎样多么不幸,这只是一个(悲伤)事实,你必须忍受。

First off, I will suggest using char.ConvertFromUtf32 to get your initial string. Much simpler, much more readable:


var s = char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x10FFFC);

So, this string's Length is not 1, because, as I said, the interface deals in UTF-16 code units, not Unicode code points. U+10FFFC uses two UTF-16 code units, so s.Length is 2. All code points above U+FFFF require two UTF-16 code units for their representation.

所以,这个字符串的长度不是1,因为正如我所说,接口处理的是UTF-16代码单元,而不是Unicode代码点。 U + 10FFFC使用两个UTF-16代码单元,因此s.Length为2. U + FFFF以上的所有代码点都需要两个UTF-16代码单元来表示它们。

You should note that ConvertFromUtf32 doesn't return a char: char is a UTF-16 code unit, not a Unicode code point. To be able to return all Unicode code points, that method cannot return a single char. Sometimes it needs to return two, and that's why it makes it a string. Sometimes you will find some APIs dealing in ints instead of char because int can be used to handle all code points too (that's what ConvertFromUtf32 takes as argument, and what ConvertToUtf32 produces as result).


string implements IEnumerable<char>, which means that when you iterate over a string you get one UTF-16 code unit per iteration. That's why iterating your string and printing it out yields some broken output with two "things" in it. Those are the two UTF-16 code units that make up the representation of U+10FFFC. They are called "surrogates". The first one is a high/lead surrogate and the second one is a low/trail surrogate. When you print them individually they do not produce meaningful output because lone surrogates are not even valid in UTF-16, and they are not considered Unicode characters either.

string实现了IEnumerable ,这意味着当你遍历一个字符串时,每次迭代都会获得一个UTF-16代码单元。这就是为什么迭代你的字符串并将其打印出来会产生一些带有两个“东西”的破碎输出。这些是构成U + 10FFFC表示的两个UTF-16代码单元。他们被称为“代理人”。第一个是高/领导代理,第二个是低/跟踪代理。当您单独打印它们时,它们不会产生有意义的输出,因为单独的代理在UTF-16中甚至不是有效的,并且它们也不被视为Unicode字符。

When you append those two surrogates to the string in the loop, you effectively reconstruct the surrogate pair, and printing that pair later as one gets you the right output.


And in the ranting front, note how nothing complains that you used a malformed UTF-16 sequence in that loop. It creates a string with a lone surrogate, and yet everything carries on as if nothing happened: the string type is not even the type of well-formed UTF-16 code unit sequences, but the type of any UTF-16 code unit sequence.


The char structure provides static methods to deal with surrogates: IsHighSurrogate, IsLowSurrogate, IsSurrogatePair, ConvertToUtf32, and ConvertFromUtf32. If you want you can write an iterator that iterates over Unicode characters instead of UTF-16 code units:


static IEnumerable<int> AsCodePoints(this string s)
    for(int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i)
        yield return char.ConvertToUtf32(s, i);
        if(char.IsHighSurrogate(s, i))

Then you can iterate like:


foreach(int codePoint in s.AsCodePoints())
     // do stuff. codePoint will be an int will value 0x10FFFC in your example

If you prefer to get each code point as a string instead change the return type to IEnumerable<string> and the yield line to:

如果您希望将每个代码点作为字符串,而是将返回类型更改为IEnumerable ,并将yield行更改为:

yield return char.ConvertFromUtf32(char.ConvertToUtf32(s, i));

With that version, the following works as-is:


foreach(string codePoint in s.AsCodePoints())



As posted already by Martinho, it is much easier to create the string with this private codepoint that way:


var s = char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x10FFFC);

But to loop through the two char elements of that string is senseless:


foreach(var ch in s)

What for? You will just get the high and low surrogate that encode the codepoint. Remember a char is a 16 bit type so it can hold just a max value of 0xFFFF. Your codepoint doesn't fit into a 16 bit type, indeed for the highest codepoint you'll need 21 bits (0x10FFFF) so the next wider type would just be a 32 bit type. The two char elements are not characters, but a surrogate pair. The value of 0x10FFFC is encoded into the two surrogates.

做什么的?您将获得编码代码点的高低代理。请记住,char是16位类型,因此它只能保存最大值0xFFFF。您的代码点不适合16位类型,实际上对于最高代码点,您需要21位(0x10FFFF),因此下一个更宽的类型将只是32位类型。两个char元素不是字符,而是代理对。 0x10FFFC的值被编码到两个代理中。



While @R. Martinho Fernandes's answer is correct, his AsCodePoints extension method has two issues:

而@R。 Martinho Fernandes的回答是正确的,他的AsCodePoints扩展方法有两个问题:

  1. It will throw an ArgumentException on invalid code points (high surrogate without low surrogate or vice versa).
  2. 它会在无效的代码点上抛出ArgumentException(没有低代理的高代理,反之亦然)。

  3. You can't use char static methods that take (char) or (string, int) (such as char.IsNumber()) if you only have int code points.
  4. 如果只有int代码点,则不能使用带有(char)或(string,int)的char静态方法(例如char.IsNumber())。

I've split the code into two methods, one similar to the original but returns the Unicode Replacement Character on invalid code points. The second method returns a struct IEnumerable with more useful fields:



public static class StringCodePointExtensions {

    const char ReplacementCharacter = '\ufffd';

    public static IEnumerable<CodePointIndex> CodePointIndexes(this string s) {
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
            if (char.IsHighSurrogate(s, i)) {
                if (i + 1 < s.Length && char.IsLowSurrogate(s, i + 1)) {
                    yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, true, true);

                } else {
                    // High surrogate without low surrogate
                    yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, false, false);

            } else if (char.IsLowSurrogate(s, i)) {
                // Low surrogate without high surrogate
                yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, false, false);

            yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, true, false);

    public static IEnumerable<int> CodePointInts(this string s) {
        return s
            cpi => {
                if (cpi.Valid) {
                    return char.ConvertToUtf32(s, cpi.Index);
                } else {
                    return (int)ReplacementCharacter;


public struct CodePointIndex {
    public int Index;
    public bool Valid;
    public bool IsSurrogatePair;

    public static CodePointIndex Create(int index, bool valid, bool isSurrogatePair) {
        return new CodePointIndex {
            Index = index,
            Valid = valid,
            IsSurrogatePair = isSurrogatePair,


To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.




Yet another alternative to enumerate the UTF32 characters in a C# string is to use the System.Globalization.StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator method, as in the code below.


public static class StringExtensions
    public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UTF32Char> GetUTF32Chars(this string s)
        var tee = System.Globalization.StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator(s);

        while (tee.MoveNext())
            yield return new UTF32Char(s, tee.ElementIndex);

public struct UTF32Char
    private string s;
    private int index;

    public UTF32Char(string s, int index)
        this.s = s;
        this.index = index;

    public override string ToString()
        return char.ConvertFromUtf32(this.UTF32Code);

    public int UTF32Code {  get { return char.ConvertToUtf32(s, index); } }
    public double NumericValue { get { return char.GetNumericValue(s, index); } }
    public UnicodeCategory UnicodeCategory { get { return char.GetUnicodeCategory(s, index); } } 
    public bool IsControl { get { return char.IsControl(s, index); } }
    public bool IsDigit { get { return char.IsDigit(s, index); } }
    public bool IsLetter { get { return char.IsLetter(s, index); } }
    public bool IsLetterOrDigit { get { return char.IsLetterOrDigit(s, index); } }
    public bool IsLower { get { return char.IsLower(s, index); } }
    public bool IsNumber { get { return char.IsNumber(s, index); } }
    public bool IsPunctuation { get { return char.IsPunctuation(s, index); } }
    public bool IsSeparator { get { return char.IsSeparator(s, index); } }
    public bool IsSurrogatePair { get { return char.IsSurrogatePair(s, index); } }
    public bool IsSymbol { get { return char.IsSymbol(s, index); } }
    public bool IsUpper { get { return char.IsUpper(s, index); } }
    public bool IsWhiteSpace { get { return char.IsWhiteSpace(s, index); } }



U+10FFFC is one Unicode code point, but string's interface does not expose a sequence of Unicode code points directly. Its interface exposes a sequence of UTF-16 code units. That is a very low-level view of text. It is quite unfortunate that such a low-level view of text was grafted onto the most obvious and intuitive interface available... I'll try not to rant much about how I don't like this design, and just say that not matter how unfortunate, it is just a (sad) fact you have to live with.

U + 10FFFC是一个Unicode代码点,但字符串的接口不直接公开一系列Unicode代码点。它的接口公开了一系列UTF-16代码单元。这是一个非常低级别的文本视图。非常不幸的是,这种低级别的文本视图被嫁接到最明显和最直观的界面上......我会尽量不去嘲笑我不喜欢这个设计,只是说不管怎样多么不幸,这只是一个(悲伤)事实,你必须忍受。

First off, I will suggest using char.ConvertFromUtf32 to get your initial string. Much simpler, much more readable:


var s = char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x10FFFC);

So, this string's Length is not 1, because, as I said, the interface deals in UTF-16 code units, not Unicode code points. U+10FFFC uses two UTF-16 code units, so s.Length is 2. All code points above U+FFFF require two UTF-16 code units for their representation.

所以,这个字符串的长度不是1,因为正如我所说,接口处理的是UTF-16代码单元,而不是Unicode代码点。 U + 10FFFC使用两个UTF-16代码单元,因此s.Length为2. U + FFFF以上的所有代码点都需要两个UTF-16代码单元来表示它们。

You should note that ConvertFromUtf32 doesn't return a char: char is a UTF-16 code unit, not a Unicode code point. To be able to return all Unicode code points, that method cannot return a single char. Sometimes it needs to return two, and that's why it makes it a string. Sometimes you will find some APIs dealing in ints instead of char because int can be used to handle all code points too (that's what ConvertFromUtf32 takes as argument, and what ConvertToUtf32 produces as result).


string implements IEnumerable<char>, which means that when you iterate over a string you get one UTF-16 code unit per iteration. That's why iterating your string and printing it out yields some broken output with two "things" in it. Those are the two UTF-16 code units that make up the representation of U+10FFFC. They are called "surrogates". The first one is a high/lead surrogate and the second one is a low/trail surrogate. When you print them individually they do not produce meaningful output because lone surrogates are not even valid in UTF-16, and they are not considered Unicode characters either.

string实现了IEnumerable ,这意味着当你遍历一个字符串时,每次迭代都会获得一个UTF-16代码单元。这就是为什么迭代你的字符串并将其打印出来会产生一些带有两个“东西”的破碎输出。这些是构成U + 10FFFC表示的两个UTF-16代码单元。他们被称为“代理人”。第一个是高/领导代理,第二个是低/跟踪代理。当您单独打印它们时,它们不会产生有意义的输出,因为单独的代理在UTF-16中甚至不是有效的,并且它们也不被视为Unicode字符。

When you append those two surrogates to the string in the loop, you effectively reconstruct the surrogate pair, and printing that pair later as one gets you the right output.


And in the ranting front, note how nothing complains that you used a malformed UTF-16 sequence in that loop. It creates a string with a lone surrogate, and yet everything carries on as if nothing happened: the string type is not even the type of well-formed UTF-16 code unit sequences, but the type of any UTF-16 code unit sequence.


The char structure provides static methods to deal with surrogates: IsHighSurrogate, IsLowSurrogate, IsSurrogatePair, ConvertToUtf32, and ConvertFromUtf32. If you want you can write an iterator that iterates over Unicode characters instead of UTF-16 code units:


static IEnumerable<int> AsCodePoints(this string s)
    for(int i = 0; i < s.Length; ++i)
        yield return char.ConvertToUtf32(s, i);
        if(char.IsHighSurrogate(s, i))

Then you can iterate like:


foreach(int codePoint in s.AsCodePoints())
     // do stuff. codePoint will be an int will value 0x10FFFC in your example

If you prefer to get each code point as a string instead change the return type to IEnumerable<string> and the yield line to:

如果您希望将每个代码点作为字符串,而是将返回类型更改为IEnumerable ,并将yield行更改为:

yield return char.ConvertFromUtf32(char.ConvertToUtf32(s, i));

With that version, the following works as-is:


foreach(string codePoint in s.AsCodePoints())



As posted already by Martinho, it is much easier to create the string with this private codepoint that way:


var s = char.ConvertFromUtf32(0x10FFFC);

But to loop through the two char elements of that string is senseless:


foreach(var ch in s)

What for? You will just get the high and low surrogate that encode the codepoint. Remember a char is a 16 bit type so it can hold just a max value of 0xFFFF. Your codepoint doesn't fit into a 16 bit type, indeed for the highest codepoint you'll need 21 bits (0x10FFFF) so the next wider type would just be a 32 bit type. The two char elements are not characters, but a surrogate pair. The value of 0x10FFFC is encoded into the two surrogates.

做什么的?您将获得编码代码点的高低代理。请记住,char是16位类型,因此它只能保存最大值0xFFFF。您的代码点不适合16位类型,实际上对于最高代码点,您需要21位(0x10FFFF),因此下一个更宽的类型将只是32位类型。两个char元素不是字符,而是代理对。 0x10FFFC的值被编码到两个代理中。



While @R. Martinho Fernandes's answer is correct, his AsCodePoints extension method has two issues:

而@R。 Martinho Fernandes的回答是正确的,他的AsCodePoints扩展方法有两个问题:

  1. It will throw an ArgumentException on invalid code points (high surrogate without low surrogate or vice versa).
  2. 它会在无效的代码点上抛出ArgumentException(没有低代理的高代理,反之亦然)。

  3. You can't use char static methods that take (char) or (string, int) (such as char.IsNumber()) if you only have int code points.
  4. 如果只有int代码点,则不能使用带有(char)或(string,int)的char静态方法(例如char.IsNumber())。

I've split the code into two methods, one similar to the original but returns the Unicode Replacement Character on invalid code points. The second method returns a struct IEnumerable with more useful fields:



public static class StringCodePointExtensions {

    const char ReplacementCharacter = '\ufffd';

    public static IEnumerable<CodePointIndex> CodePointIndexes(this string s) {
        for (int i = 0; i < s.Length; i++) {
            if (char.IsHighSurrogate(s, i)) {
                if (i + 1 < s.Length && char.IsLowSurrogate(s, i + 1)) {
                    yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, true, true);

                } else {
                    // High surrogate without low surrogate
                    yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, false, false);

            } else if (char.IsLowSurrogate(s, i)) {
                // Low surrogate without high surrogate
                yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, false, false);

            yield return CodePointIndex.Create(i, true, false);

    public static IEnumerable<int> CodePointInts(this string s) {
        return s
            cpi => {
                if (cpi.Valid) {
                    return char.ConvertToUtf32(s, cpi.Index);
                } else {
                    return (int)ReplacementCharacter;


public struct CodePointIndex {
    public int Index;
    public bool Valid;
    public bool IsSurrogatePair;

    public static CodePointIndex Create(int index, bool valid, bool isSurrogatePair) {
        return new CodePointIndex {
            Index = index,
            Valid = valid,
            IsSurrogatePair = isSurrogatePair,


To the extent possible under law, the person who associated CC0 with this work has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.




Yet another alternative to enumerate the UTF32 characters in a C# string is to use the System.Globalization.StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator method, as in the code below.


public static class StringExtensions
    public static System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<UTF32Char> GetUTF32Chars(this string s)
        var tee = System.Globalization.StringInfo.GetTextElementEnumerator(s);

        while (tee.MoveNext())
            yield return new UTF32Char(s, tee.ElementIndex);

public struct UTF32Char
    private string s;
    private int index;

    public UTF32Char(string s, int index)
        this.s = s;
        this.index = index;

    public override string ToString()
        return char.ConvertFromUtf32(this.UTF32Code);

    public int UTF32Code {  get { return char.ConvertToUtf32(s, index); } }
    public double NumericValue { get { return char.GetNumericValue(s, index); } }
    public UnicodeCategory UnicodeCategory { get { return char.GetUnicodeCategory(s, index); } } 
    public bool IsControl { get { return char.IsControl(s, index); } }
    public bool IsDigit { get { return char.IsDigit(s, index); } }
    public bool IsLetter { get { return char.IsLetter(s, index); } }
    public bool IsLetterOrDigit { get { return char.IsLetterOrDigit(s, index); } }
    public bool IsLower { get { return char.IsLower(s, index); } }
    public bool IsNumber { get { return char.IsNumber(s, index); } }
    public bool IsPunctuation { get { return char.IsPunctuation(s, index); } }
    public bool IsSeparator { get { return char.IsSeparator(s, index); } }
    public bool IsSurrogatePair { get { return char.IsSurrogatePair(s, index); } }
    public bool IsSymbol { get { return char.IsSymbol(s, index); } }
    public bool IsUpper { get { return char.IsUpper(s, index); } }
    public bool IsWhiteSpace { get { return char.IsWhiteSpace(s, index); } }