
时间:2021-03-20 21:46:49

i make my first steps with docker repos in artifactory (5.1.3) and theres something that scares me a little bit.

我在神器(5.1.3)中使用docker repos迈出了我的第一步,这让我有些害怕。

I pushed different tags from the same docker image (abaout 500MB) to a repo. I'd expected that storage use and size of the repo would stay at about 500 MB.

我将不同的标签从相同的docker图像(大约500MB)推送到回购。我预计存储使用和回购的大小将保持在500 MB左右。

But with 5 Image-Versions in it, for example, the repo is about 2,5 GB in size.

但是,如果其中包含5个图像版本,则repo的大小约为2.5 GB。

Also the the "Max Unique Tags" setting in the local docker repo settings has no effect - i set 3 but nothing is deleted - there are again 5 versions.

此外,本地docker repo设置中的“Max Unique Tags”设置无效 - 我设置3但没有删除任何内容 - 还有5个版本。

With this behaviour we will fill our storage system by the end of the month easily - did i miss something or is this docker stuff in artifactory still beta ?

有了这种行为,我们将在月底之前轻松填充我们的存储系统 - 我是否错过了一些东西,或者这个docker东西是神器还是beta?

1 个解决方案



Artifactory is physically storing the layers for those tags only once, so the actual storage being used should be ~500MB (deduplication). The reported size you are seeing in the UI (artifacts count / size) is the amount of physical storage that would be occupied if each artifact was a physical binary (not just a link). Since deduplication can occur between different repositories, there is no good way of reporting the physical storage size per repository (one image/tag/layer can be shared between multiple repositories).
In the Storage Summary page you can see both the physical storage size used by Artifactory and how much you gained by deduplication.




Artifactory is physically storing the layers for those tags only once, so the actual storage being used should be ~500MB (deduplication). The reported size you are seeing in the UI (artifacts count / size) is the amount of physical storage that would be occupied if each artifact was a physical binary (not just a link). Since deduplication can occur between different repositories, there is no good way of reporting the physical storage size per repository (one image/tag/layer can be shared between multiple repositories).
In the Storage Summary page you can see both the physical storage size used by Artifactory and how much you gained by deduplication.
