VISTA中的Win32控制台进程 - 10%CPU,但非常慢

时间:2023-01-18 21:43:54

I have a Win32 console application which is doing some computations, compiled in Compaq Visual Fortran (which probably doesn't matter).

我有一个Win32控制台应用程序正在进行一些计算,在Compaq Visual Fortran中编译(可能无关紧要)。

I need to run a lot of them simultaneously.


In XP, they take around 90-100% CPU together, work very fast. In Vista, no matter how many of them I run, they take no more than 10% of CPU (together), and work very slow respectively.


There is quite a bit of console output going on, but now VERY much. I can minimize all the windows, it does not help. CPU is basically doing nothing...

有相当多的控制台输出正在进行,但现在非常多。我可以最小化所有窗口,它没有帮助。 CPU基本上什么都不做......

Any ideas?


No, these are different machines, but they run relatively the same hardware. 2. Threads are not used, this is a VERY OLD (20 yrs) plain app for DOS, compiled in win32. It is supposed to compute iterations until they meet, consume all it has. My impression - VISTA just does NOT GIVE IT MORE CPU

不,这些是不同的机器,但它们运行相同的硬件。 2.没有使用线程,这是一个非常老的(20岁)普通的DOS应用程序,在win32中编译。它应该计算迭代直到它们相遇,消耗它所拥有的全部。我的印象 - VISTA只是没有给它更多的CPU

6 个解决方案



Have you tried redirecting the console output to a file? If your applications are being held up writing to the console (this happens sometimes unfortunately) then redirecting the output should help, as it's much quicker to write to a simple file than write to the console.


You do this like so


c:\temp> dir > output.log

If you really don't care about the output at all, you can throw it away, by redirecting to nul. eg:


c:\temp> dir > nul



There was a known "feature" in Vista that limits certain console applications to 32MB of RAM. I don't know if those compiled by Compaq Visual Fortran are affected by this "feature."

Vista中有一个已知的“功能”,它将某些控制台应用程序限制为32MB RAM。我不知道Compaq Visual Fortran编译的那些是否会受到这个“功能”的影响。

This article appears to have been updated as recently as October 2008, so the problem still exists.




To expound on Daok's post - your XP machine might be CPU bound for this process, whereas the vista machine is bound by some other resource.

要阐述Daok的帖子 - 你的XP机器可能是这个过程的CPU绑定,而vista机器受到其他资源的约束。

To clarify: output to stdout (or other) can be slowing down the processing. (as can context switching or file access, etc)

澄清一下:输出到stdout(或其他)可能会减慢处理速度。 (可以上下文切换或文件访问等)



As Tim hinted, console output (stdout) is EXTREMELY expensive.


I suggest rerunning your test while redirecting the console output to a separate log file for each process. If possible, tune down the verbosity of the output in another test run.


Beyond that, there are other obvious possibilities: is the hardware significantly different, are there other major processes running, is there a shared resource that is under contention?


Other than the obvious, look for a nonobvious resource contention such as a shared file.


But the main area where I would look is whether there is a significant difference in how your code is compiled for the two OS environments--I wonder if your Fortran code is incurring some kind of special penalty when running on Vista, such as a compatibility mode. Look to see how well Vista is supported and whether you can target your compile for Vista specifically. Also look for anyone reporting similar issues, such as in bug reports, feature requests, etc.

但我要看的主要区域是你的代码在两个操作系统环境中的编译方式是否存在显着差异 - 我想知道你的Fortran代码在Vista上运行时是否会产生某种特殊的惩罚,例如兼容性模式。看看Vista的支持程度以及是否可以专门针对Vista进行编译。还要查找报告类似问题的任何人,例如错误报告,功能请求等。



Your loops are obviously not simple computations. There is a blocking system call in there somewhere. Just because it worked on XP doesn't mean the app is bug free.


Since you can minimize the console windows and see no improvement, I would not consider that an issue. In my experience console output slows a program down only if the console window is drawing text, not when it's minimized.




Is it the same machine hardware on your Vista and XP? It might use just 10% of the Vista because it doesn't require more. Are you using Thread? I think it requires more information about your project to have a better idea. Have you try to use a profiler to see what's going on?




Have you tried redirecting the console output to a file? If your applications are being held up writing to the console (this happens sometimes unfortunately) then redirecting the output should help, as it's much quicker to write to a simple file than write to the console.


You do this like so


c:\temp> dir > output.log

If you really don't care about the output at all, you can throw it away, by redirecting to nul. eg:


c:\temp> dir > nul



There was a known "feature" in Vista that limits certain console applications to 32MB of RAM. I don't know if those compiled by Compaq Visual Fortran are affected by this "feature."

Vista中有一个已知的“功能”,它将某些控制台应用程序限制为32MB RAM。我不知道Compaq Visual Fortran编译的那些是否会受到这个“功能”的影响。

This article appears to have been updated as recently as October 2008, so the problem still exists.




To expound on Daok's post - your XP machine might be CPU bound for this process, whereas the vista machine is bound by some other resource.

要阐述Daok的帖子 - 你的XP机器可能是这个过程的CPU绑定,而vista机器受到其他资源的约束。

To clarify: output to stdout (or other) can be slowing down the processing. (as can context switching or file access, etc)

澄清一下:输出到stdout(或其他)可能会减慢处理速度。 (可以上下文切换或文件访问等)



As Tim hinted, console output (stdout) is EXTREMELY expensive.


I suggest rerunning your test while redirecting the console output to a separate log file for each process. If possible, tune down the verbosity of the output in another test run.


Beyond that, there are other obvious possibilities: is the hardware significantly different, are there other major processes running, is there a shared resource that is under contention?


Other than the obvious, look for a nonobvious resource contention such as a shared file.


But the main area where I would look is whether there is a significant difference in how your code is compiled for the two OS environments--I wonder if your Fortran code is incurring some kind of special penalty when running on Vista, such as a compatibility mode. Look to see how well Vista is supported and whether you can target your compile for Vista specifically. Also look for anyone reporting similar issues, such as in bug reports, feature requests, etc.

但我要看的主要区域是你的代码在两个操作系统环境中的编译方式是否存在显着差异 - 我想知道你的Fortran代码在Vista上运行时是否会产生某种特殊的惩罚,例如兼容性模式。看看Vista的支持程度以及是否可以专门针对Vista进行编译。还要查找报告类似问题的任何人,例如错误报告,功能请求等。



Your loops are obviously not simple computations. There is a blocking system call in there somewhere. Just because it worked on XP doesn't mean the app is bug free.


Since you can minimize the console windows and see no improvement, I would not consider that an issue. In my experience console output slows a program down only if the console window is drawing text, not when it's minimized.




Is it the same machine hardware on your Vista and XP? It might use just 10% of the Vista because it doesn't require more. Are you using Thread? I think it requires more information about your project to have a better idea. Have you try to use a profiler to see what's going on?
