自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

时间:2024-12-13 23:37:02




自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

  • 触发器事件 - 触发器状态在OK和PROBLEM之间变化(本节内容)
  • 发现事件
  • 自动注册时间 - 新的客户端注册进来
  • 内部事件 - item转变为unsupported状态,触发器转变为unknown状态

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置


1. Action创建


自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

2. Action配置

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置


  • Name : 唯一的action名字
  • Default subject: 报警的默认标题
  • Default message: 报警的默认内容
  • Recovery message:是否在问题解决后发送消息。恢复消息,是否在报警恢复正常后发送消息。 Zabbix将“OK”状态的Trigger认为是一个恢复recovery event。
    注意:如果使用了Escalation机制,Recovery event只会触发一次。对已Recovery的报警,可以像发出报警的邮件一样,设置报警标题和内容。
  • Enabled:是够启用这个action


  • 自定义的恢复信息,只针对Condition,是“Trigger value is PROBLEM”的生效。
  • 恢复信息只会发送给那些之前收到过关于这个Action报警信息的人。
  • 恢复信息和Action 依赖PROBLEM生成的Evnet维护同一份ACK状态。
  • 在Recovery信息中,EVENT.*Macro中的数据,都是基于出问题的Event,而不是Recovery。
  • 在Recovery信息中,EVENT.RECOVERY.* 表示的是出自Recovery event的数据。

Default message详细内容:

Trigger status: {TRIGGER.STATUS}
Trigger severity: {TRIGGER.SEVERITY}
Trigger URL: {TRIGGER.URL} Item values: 1. {ITEM.NAME1} ({HOST.NAME1}:{ITEM.KEY1}): {ITEM.VALUE1}
3. {ITEM.NAME3} ({HOST.NAME3}:{ITEM.KEY3}): {ITEM.VALUE3} Original event ID: {EVENT.ID}

3. 条件conditions配置

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

Type Of calculation:各种条件之间的关系,包含AND、OR 以及AND/OR,如上图是AND关系,同时要满足以上机器不在维护状态以及触发器值为PROBLEM才会触发报警的动作。

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

Condition type Supported operators Description
Application =
not like
= 名字与application中的名字完全一致
like - 名字包含
not like - 名字不包含
Host group =
Host是否属于一个Host group
= - event belongs to this host group.
<> - event does not belong to this host group.
Template =
= - event belongs to a trigger inherited from this template.
<> - event does not belong to a trigger inherited from this template.
Host =
= - event belongs to this host.
<> - event does not belong to this host.
Trigger =
= - event is generated by this trigger.
<> - event is generated by any other trigger, except this one.
Trigger name like
not like
like - event is generated by a trigger, containing this string in the name. Case sensitive.
not like - this string cannot be found in the trigger name. Case sensitive.
Note: Entered value will be compared to trigger name with all macros expanded.
Trigger severity =
= - equal to trigger severity
<> - not equal to trigger severity
>= - more or equal to trigger severity
<= - less or equal to trigger severity
Trigger value = Trigger是OK还是PROBLEM
= - equal to trigger value (OK or PROBLEM)
Time period in
not in
in - event time is within the time period.
not in - event time is not within the time period.
See Time period specification page for description of the format.
Maintenance status in
not in
in - host is in maintenance mode.
not in - host is not in maintenance mode.
Note: If several hosts are involved in the trigger expression, the condition matches if at least one of the hosts is/is not in maintenance mode.

4. operations配置

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

Parameter Description
Default operation step duration 最小60秒,例如,设置了1小时,则表明执行了一个操作,要等待一个小时,才会执行下一个操作
Action operations Steps - 报警升级的时候,会按照step的顺序来执行
Details - 操作类型和目标。从zabbix2.2开始,会显示在发送信息时的medial type(e-mail,SMS,Jabber,etc)用户的名字也会显示。
Start in - 在event发生后多久执行
Duration (sec) - 显示的是step的持续时间,如果step使用了默认的'持续时间',那么显示default
Action - 显示的是两个标签"edit","remove",用来编辑和移除operation的操作
Operation details  


From - 从哪一步执行开始
To - 到哪一步执行结束 (0=无穷, 执行将不被限制)
Step duration - 每一步持续时间 (0=使用上面默认的). 
Operation type 有如下2种:
Send message - 给用户发送信息
Remote command - 执行远程命令
Operation type: send message
Send to user groups 可以添加选择User groups
Send to users 添加选择用户
Send only to 发送的消息是定义好的media type
Default message 如果选择,默认消息格式将被使用
Subject Subject of the custom message. The subject may contain macros.
Message The custom message. The message may contain macros. 
Operation type: remote command
Target list Select current host, other hosts or host groups as targets to execute the command on.
Type Select the command type:
IPMI - execute an IPMI command
Custom script - execute a custom set of commands. You can select to execute the command on Zabbix agent or Zabbix server.
SSH - execute an SSH command
Telnet - execute a Telnet command
Global script - execute one of the global scripts defined in Administration→Scripts.
Commands Enter the command(s).
Conditions Condition for performing the operation:
Not ack - only when the event is unacknowledged
Ack - only when the event is acknowledged.

自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置

图片上的step说的可能不是很明白,表示阶段,1表示第一次报警,如果2表示第二次报警。action operations可以添加多个,如下:
自学Zabbix3.10.2-事件通知Notifications upon events-Actions报警配置


 5. 保存
