
时间:2023-01-27 21:31:26

I want to calculate the time between two clicks of an attribute with javascript but I don't know how.


For example;


<a href="#">click here</a>

if the user clicks more than once -let's say in 5 seconds- I want to display an alert. I'm using jQuery if that helps. I don't know much about javascript but I've been coding a small project in my free time.


3 个解决方案



Something like this would do the trick. Keep a variable with the time of the last click and then compare it when the user clicks the link again. If the difference is < 5 seconds show the alert


<a id='testLink' href="#">click here</a>
<script type='text/javascript'>
    var lastClick = 0;
    $("#testLink").click(function() {
        var d = new Date();
        var t = d.getTime();
        if(t - lastClick < 5000) {
             alert("LESS THAN 5 SECONDS!!!");
        lastClick = t;



The following may help you getting started:


var lastClicked = 0;

function onClickCheck() {
    var timeNow = (new Date()).getTime();

    if (timeNow > (lastClicked + 5000)) {
        // Execute the link action
    else {
        alert('Please wait at least 5 seconds between clicks!');

    lastClicked = timeNow;



<a href="#" onClick="onClickCheck();">click here</a>



  1. Create a variable to hold the time of a click, say lastClick.
  2. 创建一个变量来保存单击的时间,例如lastClick。
  3. Set up a click handler for the element you want to track clicks on.
  4. 为要跟踪单击的元素设置单击处理程序。
  5. Inside the handler, check for a value in lastClick. If there is no value, set it to the current time. If there is a value, compare it against the current time. If the difference is within the range you're checking for, display the alert.
  6. 在处理程序内部,检查lastClick中的值。如果没有值,则将其设置为当前时间。如果有一个值,将它与当前时间进行比较。如果差异在您要检查的范围内,请显示警报。



Something like this would do the trick. Keep a variable with the time of the last click and then compare it when the user clicks the link again. If the difference is < 5 seconds show the alert


<a id='testLink' href="#">click here</a>
<script type='text/javascript'>
    var lastClick = 0;
    $("#testLink").click(function() {
        var d = new Date();
        var t = d.getTime();
        if(t - lastClick < 5000) {
             alert("LESS THAN 5 SECONDS!!!");
        lastClick = t;



The following may help you getting started:


var lastClicked = 0;

function onClickCheck() {
    var timeNow = (new Date()).getTime();

    if (timeNow > (lastClicked + 5000)) {
        // Execute the link action
    else {
        alert('Please wait at least 5 seconds between clicks!');

    lastClicked = timeNow;



<a href="#" onClick="onClickCheck();">click here</a>



  1. Create a variable to hold the time of a click, say lastClick.
  2. 创建一个变量来保存单击的时间,例如lastClick。
  3. Set up a click handler for the element you want to track clicks on.
  4. 为要跟踪单击的元素设置单击处理程序。
  5. Inside the handler, check for a value in lastClick. If there is no value, set it to the current time. If there is a value, compare it against the current time. If the difference is within the range you're checking for, display the alert.
  6. 在处理程序内部,检查lastClick中的值。如果没有值,则将其设置为当前时间。如果有一个值,将它与当前时间进行比较。如果差异在您要检查的范围内,请显示警报。