(programming in iPhone objective-C)
I have a class level NSString* that I create, add property(nonatomic,retain) and synthesize code for and I can modify the string endlessly with stringByAppendingString functions and display the string using NSLog just fine. All of this is done in a subclass, overridden viewDidLoad function. When I try to access the same variable from the cellForRowAtIndexPath function when determining what to display in the cell of a tableView, the program crashes. Anyone have any clues?
我有一个类级NSString *我创建,添加属性(非原子,保留)和合成代码,我可以使用stringByAppendingString函数无限地修改字符串,并使用NSLog显示字符串就好了。所有这些都是在子类中完成的,重写了viewDidLoad函数。当我在确定在tableView的单元格中显示什么时尝试从cellForRowAtIndexPath函数访问相同的变量时,程序崩溃。有人有任何线索吗?
Related Code:
@interface InfoViewController : UITableViewController {
NSString *shipAddr;
@property (nonatomic,retain) NSString *shipAddr;
@synthesize shipAddr;
shipAddr = [[[NSString alloc] initWithString:@""] retain];
- (UITableViewCell *)tableView:(UITableView *)tableView cellForRowAtIndexPath:(NSIndexPath *)indexPath {
4 个解决方案
You're actually double-retaining the original string, which leaks it, but that's not the cause of your crash.
You're crashing because stringByAppendingString:
returns an autoreleased string. So it doesn't matter how many times you retain the original; every time you call stringByAppendingString:
(or any of the other stringByWhatever
methods) you get a new string that has a limited lifetime.
你崩溃是因为stringByAppendingString:返回一个自动释放的字符串。因此保留原件的次数并不重要;每次调用stringByAppendingString :(或任何其他stringByWhatever方法)时,您都会获得一个具有有限生命周期的新字符串。
For your code, I would suggest simply always assigning to self.shipAddr
, and just assigning @""
to the string to begin with. The self.shipAddr
version will handle memory management for you automatically.
对于你的代码,我建议简单地总是分配给self.shipAddr,并且只是将@“”分配给字符串开头。 self.shipAddr版本将自动为您处理内存管理。
Try putting an NSLog statement at the beginning of your viewDidLoad and tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: methods. If the latter is running first, then it'll try to access the variable before it's been created.
If you know what shipAddr should be early enough, I'd put the initialization in your init method.
I assume you do realize that the @synthesize
statement goes in the implementation file and not the header.
Also in viewDidLoad
, if you must do that, I think you can just do:
self.shipAddr = @"";
Since the property is already defined to retain the passed argument.
One last thing I notice is that, I believe the call to NSLog should be like so:
NSLog(@"%@", shipAddr);
The function's format is like so: void NSLog(NSString *format, ...);
函数的格式如下:void NSLog(NSString * format,...);
And yes, as Brent mentioned, because stringByAppendingFormat
returns an auto-released string, it probably 'disappears' before you can ever see it in your other method. So you should use this:
self.shipAddr = [shipAddr stringByAppendingFormat: blah blah];
Since this uses the property for shipAddr, which, as you defined, retains the passed argument and takes care of the problem.
Are you sure that viewDidLoad is called before tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:? It sounds like the string is either uninitialized or released when you reference it within that function. Given that you're allocing and retaining the string in viewDidLoad (you actually don't need a retain there), I'd say it hasn't been initialized yet!
你确定在tableView之前调用了viewDidLoad:cellForRowAtIndexPath :?听起来这个字符串要么未初始化,要么在该函数中引用时释放。鉴于你在viewDidLoad中分配和保留字符串(你实际上不需要保留),我会说它还没有被初始化!
You're actually double-retaining the original string, which leaks it, but that's not the cause of your crash.
You're crashing because stringByAppendingString:
returns an autoreleased string. So it doesn't matter how many times you retain the original; every time you call stringByAppendingString:
(or any of the other stringByWhatever
methods) you get a new string that has a limited lifetime.
你崩溃是因为stringByAppendingString:返回一个自动释放的字符串。因此保留原件的次数并不重要;每次调用stringByAppendingString :(或任何其他stringByWhatever方法)时,您都会获得一个具有有限生命周期的新字符串。
For your code, I would suggest simply always assigning to self.shipAddr
, and just assigning @""
to the string to begin with. The self.shipAddr
version will handle memory management for you automatically.
对于你的代码,我建议简单地总是分配给self.shipAddr,并且只是将@“”分配给字符串开头。 self.shipAddr版本将自动为您处理内存管理。
Try putting an NSLog statement at the beginning of your viewDidLoad and tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath: methods. If the latter is running first, then it'll try to access the variable before it's been created.
If you know what shipAddr should be early enough, I'd put the initialization in your init method.
I assume you do realize that the @synthesize
statement goes in the implementation file and not the header.
Also in viewDidLoad
, if you must do that, I think you can just do:
self.shipAddr = @"";
Since the property is already defined to retain the passed argument.
One last thing I notice is that, I believe the call to NSLog should be like so:
NSLog(@"%@", shipAddr);
The function's format is like so: void NSLog(NSString *format, ...);
函数的格式如下:void NSLog(NSString * format,...);
And yes, as Brent mentioned, because stringByAppendingFormat
returns an auto-released string, it probably 'disappears' before you can ever see it in your other method. So you should use this:
self.shipAddr = [shipAddr stringByAppendingFormat: blah blah];
Since this uses the property for shipAddr, which, as you defined, retains the passed argument and takes care of the problem.
Are you sure that viewDidLoad is called before tableView:cellForRowAtIndexPath:? It sounds like the string is either uninitialized or released when you reference it within that function. Given that you're allocing and retaining the string in viewDidLoad (you actually don't need a retain there), I'd say it hasn't been initialized yet!
你确定在tableView之前调用了viewDidLoad:cellForRowAtIndexPath :?听起来这个字符串要么未初始化,要么在该函数中引用时释放。鉴于你在viewDidLoad中分配和保留字符串(你实际上不需要保留),我会说它还没有被初始化!