假设Spring MessageSource实现是线程安全的是否安全?

时间:2022-09-10 21:32:56

Is it safe to assume that all implementations of org.springframework.context.MessageSource interface are thread-safe after initialization?


I would expect that it's safe, but now I'm looking through Spring source code, and there's org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource which reloads properties from time to time, and documentation doesn't say anything about being thread-safe...

我希望它是安全的,但现在我正在查看Spring源代码,并且有org.springframework.context.support.ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource,它不时重新加载属性,文档没有说明是否是线程安全的。 ..

EDIT: It seems that ReloadableResourceBundleMessageSource indeed is synchronized where it needs to be... however my original question remains.


1 个解决方案


Just looked at the source code - no synchronized keywords anywhere, and writable state. No, it's not thread-safe.

只看了一下源代码 - 没有任何同步关键字和可写状态。不,它不是线程安全的。

With that said, what's the harm of a dirty-read from your app's point of view? A wrong label or message value? You probably don't have to worry about a missing value, because you'd have to redeploy the whole app if JSPs or classes were modified to use new messages. I think you're pretty safe here.



Just looked at the source code - no synchronized keywords anywhere, and writable state. No, it's not thread-safe.

只看了一下源代码 - 没有任何同步关键字和可写状态。不,它不是线程安全的。

With that said, what's the harm of a dirty-read from your app's point of view? A wrong label or message value? You probably don't have to worry about a missing value, because you'd have to redeploy the whole app if JSPs or classes were modified to use new messages. I think you're pretty safe here.
