
时间:2021-05-19 21:28:13

So I have a singleton and Im trying to understand the difference between these two implementations: functionally I have tried running my code with both of them and they both work


However, I notice that in the 1st implementation there is no [self alloc] being called instead the call is to [super alloc]. Im a bit perplexed by this. It seems to work but it seems a bit magical so Im wondering if someone can clarify

然而,我注意到在第一个实现中没有调用[self alloc],而是调用[super alloc]。我对此有点困惑。这似乎是可行的,但似乎有点神奇,所以我想知道是否有人可以澄清

1st way:



    static dispatch_once_t pred;
    dispatch_once(&pred, ^{
    locMgrSingleton = [[super alloc] init];


     return locMgrSingleton;


Another way


         if (locMgrSingleton == nil)
             locMgrSingleton = [[self alloc]init];
             NSLog(@"Created a new locMgrSingleton");
            NSLog(@"locMgrSingleton exists");


     return locMgrSingleton;

3 个解决方案



Using [self alloc] vs [super alloc] makes no difference unless the class also overrides +alloc. That said, it should be calling [self alloc]. I'll bet it's calling super because this was probably adapted from an implementation that override +alloc to return a singleton.

使用[self alloc] vs [super alloc]没有区别,除非类也重写+alloc。也就是说,它应该调用[self - alloc]。我打赌它会调用super,因为它可能是根据重写+alloc返回单例的实现而修改的。

In any case, the difference between the two patterns, besides self vs super, is explained in my answer to this other question, but in short, dispatch_once() is the modern way to do this. It's faster than @synchronized, and carries more semantic meaning.




As said on e.g. http://cocoasamurai.blogspot.fi/2011/04/singletons-your-doing-them-wrong.html, the dispatch_once call simply seems to be somewhat faster than @synchronized(self).


As to why [super alloc] instead of [self alloc], I don't see any reason why it would specifically apply to the dispatch_once version but not the other. In a static method, self simply refers to the class itself (and super to its direct superclass), and I'd see it as a shorthand for writing the actual class name, nothing more.

至于为什么[super alloc]而不是[self alloc],我看不出为什么它会特别应用于dispatch_once版本,而不是另一个版本。在静态方法中,self简单地引用类本身(并且超级到它的直接超类),我将它看作是编写实际类名的缩写,仅此而已。

I've only ever used [self alloc] though, since I'd anyway otherwise written the name of the current class, not its superclass. No idea if specifically calling [super alloc] carries any special significance.

我只使用过[self - alloc],因为无论如何,我已经写了当前类的名称,而不是它的超类。不知道具体调用[super alloc]是否有什么特殊意义。



In a class method, self points to the class itself. In both of your implementations, [self alloc], [MySingleton alloc] and [super alloc] are all semantically equivalent—unless you for some odd reason override +alloc.

在类方法中,self指向类本身。在您的两个实现中,[self alloc]、[MySingleton alloc]和[super alloc]在语义上都是相等的——除非您出于某种奇怪的原因重写+alloc。

One reason you might want to use [super alloc] over others is when you explicitly mark +alloc unavailable in your declaration with a compiler directive:

您可能想要使用[super alloc]的一个原因是,当您在声明中显式地标记+alloc时,使用编译器指令:

+(instancetype) alloc __attribute__((unavailable("alloc not available")));

+(instancetype) alloc __attribute__(unavailable(“alloc not available”));


+(instancetype) alloc NS_UNAVAILABLE;

+(instancetype)alloc NS_UNAVAILABLE;

Otherwise, compiler will raise an error when you try to +alloc an instance of your singleton class—and that's usually what you want except for when you +alloc a shared singleton instance in dispatch_once.




Using [self alloc] vs [super alloc] makes no difference unless the class also overrides +alloc. That said, it should be calling [self alloc]. I'll bet it's calling super because this was probably adapted from an implementation that override +alloc to return a singleton.

使用[self alloc] vs [super alloc]没有区别,除非类也重写+alloc。也就是说,它应该调用[self - alloc]。我打赌它会调用super,因为它可能是根据重写+alloc返回单例的实现而修改的。

In any case, the difference between the two patterns, besides self vs super, is explained in my answer to this other question, but in short, dispatch_once() is the modern way to do this. It's faster than @synchronized, and carries more semantic meaning.




As said on e.g. http://cocoasamurai.blogspot.fi/2011/04/singletons-your-doing-them-wrong.html, the dispatch_once call simply seems to be somewhat faster than @synchronized(self).


As to why [super alloc] instead of [self alloc], I don't see any reason why it would specifically apply to the dispatch_once version but not the other. In a static method, self simply refers to the class itself (and super to its direct superclass), and I'd see it as a shorthand for writing the actual class name, nothing more.

至于为什么[super alloc]而不是[self alloc],我看不出为什么它会特别应用于dispatch_once版本,而不是另一个版本。在静态方法中,self简单地引用类本身(并且超级到它的直接超类),我将它看作是编写实际类名的缩写,仅此而已。

I've only ever used [self alloc] though, since I'd anyway otherwise written the name of the current class, not its superclass. No idea if specifically calling [super alloc] carries any special significance.

我只使用过[self - alloc],因为无论如何,我已经写了当前类的名称,而不是它的超类。不知道具体调用[super alloc]是否有什么特殊意义。



In a class method, self points to the class itself. In both of your implementations, [self alloc], [MySingleton alloc] and [super alloc] are all semantically equivalent—unless you for some odd reason override +alloc.

在类方法中,self指向类本身。在您的两个实现中,[self alloc]、[MySingleton alloc]和[super alloc]在语义上都是相等的——除非您出于某种奇怪的原因重写+alloc。

One reason you might want to use [super alloc] over others is when you explicitly mark +alloc unavailable in your declaration with a compiler directive:

您可能想要使用[super alloc]的一个原因是,当您在声明中显式地标记+alloc时,使用编译器指令:

+(instancetype) alloc __attribute__((unavailable("alloc not available")));

+(instancetype) alloc __attribute__(unavailable(“alloc not available”));


+(instancetype) alloc NS_UNAVAILABLE;

+(instancetype)alloc NS_UNAVAILABLE;

Otherwise, compiler will raise an error when you try to +alloc an instance of your singleton class—and that's usually what you want except for when you +alloc a shared singleton instance in dispatch_once.
