计算两个日期之间的时差(DD / MM / YYY HH / MM)VBA(宏excel)

时间:2021-06-18 21:28:05

I'm writting a Macro (for excel) in VBA.

我正在VBA中写一个宏(for excel)。

I have these kind of fields (in the second and the third column):


Fecha/Hora inicio   Fecha/Hora finalización
02/01/2017 21:32    03/01/2017 6:02
02/01/2017 6:02     03/01/2017 7:32
03/01/2017 7:38     04/01/2017 13:47

And I want to know the time difference between the first and the second field in hours. For instance, in the second case, the difference is 25.5 hours.


How can I do that? I was trying to calculate it manually but I'm sure there's quite an automatic way to do it. And I can't find examples with this exact format.



1 个解决方案



VBA has a function called DateDiff which measures the difference between two dates in terms of a specified unit (anything from years to seconds). For this case, we will need to measure in minutes because we want to measure fractions of an hour and then divide by 60 to get back to hours. If we only wanted whole hours then we could measure in hours instead.


The following should provide the required result:


MsgBox DateDiff("n", "02/01/2017 6:02", "03/01/2017 7:32") / 60

"n" is the interval specifier for minutes in the DateDiff function




VBA has a function called DateDiff which measures the difference between two dates in terms of a specified unit (anything from years to seconds). For this case, we will need to measure in minutes because we want to measure fractions of an hour and then divide by 60 to get back to hours. If we only wanted whole hours then we could measure in hours instead.


The following should provide the required result:


MsgBox DateDiff("n", "02/01/2017 6:02", "03/01/2017 7:32") / 60

"n" is the interval specifier for minutes in the DateDiff function
