时间:2022-08-19 21:30:02
SELECT COUNT(*) AS Count, CreatedBy
FROM `Notes`
INNER JOIN Users ON UserID = CreatedBy
INNER JOIN UserRoles ON URoleID = RoleID AND RoleID = 1
WHERE NoteVisible = 1 AND NoteText NOT LIKE '%SOME KEYWORD%' 
      AND Created BETWEEN '2014-02-24 00:00:00' AND '2014-02-24 23:59:59' 
GROUP BY CreatedBy


As you see ref is NULL and goes through 23 rows instead of just going through 1 row. Now for this example this is fast but when I do range of 1-2 month the rows becomes >10000 and it slows down the page alot and locks up tables.

如您所见,ref为NULL并经过23行而不是仅通过1行。现在对于这个例子来说这很快但是当我做1-2个月的范围时,行变为> 10000并且它减慢了页面的速度并锁定了表格。

NOTE If I remove the 00:00:00 and 23:59:59 then it uses index it only goes through 1 row but I need to select all data for entire day starting at 00:00 and ending at 23:59.


Please help me restructure this query to fix this issue or suggest any possible solutions. thank you.




Replacing BETWEEN by < or > or <= or >= does not fix the issue

用 <或> 或<=或>替换BETWEEN不能解决问题

2 个解决方案



This query uses the index.
The select type is range, used key is Created

For range types, the ref column is always null,
refer to documentation:

此查询使用索引。 select类型是range,used key is Created对于范围类型,ref列始终为null,请参考文档:



Only rows that are in a given range are retrieved, using an index to select the rows. The key column in the output row indicates which index is used. The key_len contains the longest key part that was used. The ref column is NULL for this type.

仅检索给定范围内的行,使用索引选择行。输出行中的键列指示使用哪个索引。 key_len包含使用的最长密钥部分。对于此类型,ref列为NULL。

(emphasis mine)




when you are comparing a datetime field with strings in a greater_than/less_than comparison. If you use a cast or function (like UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) and transform also the other dates to unixtimestamp, that would do the trick but will destroy the use of the index. Maybe a better solution would be to store the date as unix timestamp in the table and put an index on that.

当您在date_than / less_than比较中将datetime字段与字符串进行比较时。如果您使用强制转换或函数(如UNIX_TIMESTAMP())并将其他日期转换为unixtimestamp,那将会解决问题,但会破坏索引的使用。也许更好的解决方案是将日期作为unix时间戳存储在表中并在其上放置索引。

the other way ,you can add “limit” to your sql also worked for me




This query uses the index.
The select type is range, used key is Created

For range types, the ref column is always null,
refer to documentation:

此查询使用索引。 select类型是range,used key is Created对于范围类型,ref列始终为null,请参考文档:



Only rows that are in a given range are retrieved, using an index to select the rows. The key column in the output row indicates which index is used. The key_len contains the longest key part that was used. The ref column is NULL for this type.

仅检索给定范围内的行,使用索引选择行。输出行中的键列指示使用哪个索引。 key_len包含使用的最长密钥部分。对于此类型,ref列为NULL。

(emphasis mine)




when you are comparing a datetime field with strings in a greater_than/less_than comparison. If you use a cast or function (like UNIX_TIMESTAMP()) and transform also the other dates to unixtimestamp, that would do the trick but will destroy the use of the index. Maybe a better solution would be to store the date as unix timestamp in the table and put an index on that.

当您在date_than / less_than比较中将datetime字段与字符串进行比较时。如果您使用强制转换或函数(如UNIX_TIMESTAMP())并将其他日期转换为unixtimestamp,那将会解决问题,但会破坏索引的使用。也许更好的解决方案是将日期作为unix时间戳存储在表中并在其上放置索引。

the other way ,you can add “limit” to your sql also worked for me
