JQuery - 从HTML中选择元素时“”和“”之间的区别? [重复]

时间:2021-07-25 21:28:46

This question already has an answer here:


I ve been learning JQuery, and everything was clear. Until I reached the strings. So far I knew that when you want to call something you do it this way $('callSomething'). Now Im learning how to move html elements around, and it was written to call something with double comment lines $("callSomething").


I started playing around the code, and I ve noticed that no matter what I will use ' ' or " " the code will work.


    var $p = $("p");

Now I'm not sure what to use where. I understand that " " is used to call Strings. But I could use it to call elements too.


My question: Is there a specific reason when to use ' '? Or should I always use " " since its working and save myself the confusion?


Any explanation maybe on when to use ' ' and when '" "(if there is actual difference between them other than calling a string("< .p>test<./ p >")`?

任何解释可能是关于何时使用''和何时'“”(如果它们之间存在实际差异而不是调用字符串(“<。p> test <./ p>”))?

Thank you for your time


4 个解决方案


This can help,


I wouldn't say there is a preferred method, you can use either. However If you are using one form of quote in the string, you might want to use the other as the literal.


alert('Say "Hello"');
alert("Say 'Hello'");

The most likely reason is programmer preference / API consistency.

最可能的原因是程序员偏好/ API一致性。

When to use double or single quotes in JavaScript?



There is no difference between the two versions of strings except this one:


Imagine you want to use a quotation mark inside a string:


"This is just a lil' test"


'"give them hell", he said'

You don't have to escape quotation marks in those two cases.



Both are equivalent, it's mainly a matter of preference and code legibility. If your string contains a single quote, you'll probably want to enclose it in double quotes and vice versa, so you don't have to escape your quotes, e.g.


"It's nice" vs 'It\'s nice'



'And she said "Oh my God"' vs "And she said \"Oh my God\""


You can find a more exhaustive answer to that question at https://*.com/a/242833/4604579



in javascript there is no difference. in other languages like c, ' will be used for characters and " will be used for character arrays aka strings.



This can help,


I wouldn't say there is a preferred method, you can use either. However If you are using one form of quote in the string, you might want to use the other as the literal.


alert('Say "Hello"');
alert("Say 'Hello'");

The most likely reason is programmer preference / API consistency.

最可能的原因是程序员偏好/ API一致性。

When to use double or single quotes in JavaScript?



There is no difference between the two versions of strings except this one:


Imagine you want to use a quotation mark inside a string:


"This is just a lil' test"


'"give them hell", he said'

You don't have to escape quotation marks in those two cases.



Both are equivalent, it's mainly a matter of preference and code legibility. If your string contains a single quote, you'll probably want to enclose it in double quotes and vice versa, so you don't have to escape your quotes, e.g.


"It's nice" vs 'It\'s nice'



'And she said "Oh my God"' vs "And she said \"Oh my God\""


You can find a more exhaustive answer to that question at https://*.com/a/242833/4604579



in javascript there is no difference. in other languages like c, ' will be used for characters and " will be used for character arrays aka strings.
