The goal is to take the following array in a windows .bat file:
目标是在Windows .bat文件中采用以下数组:
set SEARCH_DIR[1]="SomeValue"
set SEARCH_DIR[2]="AnotherValue"
set SEARCH_DIR.length=2
And to execute for example "someprogram.exe" with the values of SEARCH_DIR passed as individual command line arguments. I would prefer to do this as a loop or something rather than have to manually type out each element in SEARCH_DIR.
I found similar questions but none that answered it example. Thanks in advance.
1 个解决方案
If you don't find an example matching 100 percent
you could try on your own, that is what programmers do.
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set SEARCH_DIR[1]="SomeValue"
set SEARCH_DIR[2]="AnotherValue"
set SEARCH_DIR.length=2
Set "AllArgs="
For /L %%C in (1,1,%SEARCH_Dir.length%
) Do Set AllArgs=!AllArgs! !SEARCH_DIR[%%C]!
Echo someprogram.exe %AllArgs%
If you don't find an example matching 100 percent
you could try on your own, that is what programmers do.
@Echo off&SetLocal EnableExtensions EnableDelayedExpansion
set SEARCH_DIR[1]="SomeValue"
set SEARCH_DIR[2]="AnotherValue"
set SEARCH_DIR.length=2
Set "AllArgs="
For /L %%C in (1,1,%SEARCH_Dir.length%
) Do Set AllArgs=!AllArgs! !SEARCH_DIR[%%C]!
Echo someprogram.exe %AllArgs%