
时间:2021-11-17 21:20:00

I'm trying to get a Street View panorama ID from lat/long coordinates, and I've found this query will return a JSON file containing the panoid (such as JMUfE4l0ucICvD4_BaIGsw).



https://cbks0.google.com/cbk?cb_client=apiv3&authuser=0&hl=en&output=polygon&it=1%3A1&rank=closest&ll=30.2983995 35.1334873半径= 50

Just replace the coordinates to whatever you like.


But here's my question: How can I get this to work for something off-road like the Israel trail? When I put in any coordinates from this off-road trail, it always returns an empty JSON file. (For instance, I know 30.7451333,34.8850511 is a panorama, yet it won't return the panoid.) What am I doing wrong? Thanks.


1 个解决方案



The URL that you use to get panorama IDs is undocumented feature. The Terms of Service of Google Maps prohibits access to service via such URLs. Have a look at paragraph 10.1 (a) of ToS.

用于获取全景图id的URL是无文档说明的特性。谷歌映射的服务条款禁止通过此类url访问服务。看一看第10.1 (a)段。

No access to APIs or Content except through the Service. You will not access the Maps API(s) or the Content except through the Service. For example, you must not access map tiles or imagery through interfaces or channels (including undocumented Google interfaces) other than the Maps API(s).

不能访问api或内容,除非通过服务。除非通过服务,否则您不会访问Maps API或内容。例如,除了Maps API之外,您不能通过接口或通道(包括未文档化的谷歌接口)访问地图块或图像。


https://developers.google.com/maps/terms 10-license-restrictions

You should use the API which is Street View Image Metadata in your case.

在您的案例中,应该使用的API是Street View图像元数据。

For example to get panorama ID for 30.7451333,34.8850511 you can execute the following query




This request returns the following response


    "copyright":"© 2017 Google",

Now you have a panorama ID Ig2uuF7itfCs8ksgjlJaTQ. Let use it with Street View API:

现在您有了一个全景ID ig2uf7itfcs8ksgjljatq。让它与街景API一起使用:

<img src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?pano=Ig2uuF7itfCs8ksgjlJaTQ&size=600x400" title="" />

Hope it helps!




The URL that you use to get panorama IDs is undocumented feature. The Terms of Service of Google Maps prohibits access to service via such URLs. Have a look at paragraph 10.1 (a) of ToS.

用于获取全景图id的URL是无文档说明的特性。谷歌映射的服务条款禁止通过此类url访问服务。看一看第10.1 (a)段。

No access to APIs or Content except through the Service. You will not access the Maps API(s) or the Content except through the Service. For example, you must not access map tiles or imagery through interfaces or channels (including undocumented Google interfaces) other than the Maps API(s).

不能访问api或内容,除非通过服务。除非通过服务,否则您不会访问Maps API或内容。例如,除了Maps API之外,您不能通过接口或通道(包括未文档化的谷歌接口)访问地图块或图像。


https://developers.google.com/maps/terms 10-license-restrictions

You should use the API which is Street View Image Metadata in your case.

在您的案例中,应该使用的API是Street View图像元数据。

For example to get panorama ID for 30.7451333,34.8850511 you can execute the following query




This request returns the following response


    "copyright":"© 2017 Google",

Now you have a panorama ID Ig2uuF7itfCs8ksgjlJaTQ. Let use it with Street View API:

现在您有了一个全景ID ig2uf7itfcs8ksgjljatq。让它与街景API一起使用:

<img src="https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?pano=Ig2uuF7itfCs8ksgjlJaTQ&size=600x400" title="" />

Hope it helps!
