如何在Delphi中的BitBtn上放置GIF / PNG / ...图像?

时间:2022-03-15 21:22:53

I'm using Delphi 2007. How can I put a GIF/PNG image on a BitBtn component? (Preferably, with alpha transparency supported)

我正在使用Delphi 2007.如何在BitBtn组件上放置GIF / PNG图像? (最好支持alpha透明度)

4 个解决方案



PngComponents pack has a component named PngBitBtn wich can display correctly PNG's with alpha transparency. They are somewhat old, but they can be installed under Delphi 2007 with a little work.

PngComponents包有一个名为PngBitBtn的组件,它可以正确显示带有alpha透明度的PNG。它们有些陈旧,但它们可以安装在Delphi 2007下,只需要一点点工作。



Use a graphics program like Photoshop (or something less expensive) to convert the images to bitmaps. BitBtns don't accept GIF or PNG images.

使用像Photoshop这样的图形程序(或更便宜的东西)将图像转换为位图。 BitBtns不接受GIF或PNG图像。



PNG support is only fully supported by Delphi 2009. There is a freeware package (licensed as MPL 1.1) named GraphicEx which will allow you to load the images at design time/runtime, but you will not get the alpha blended transparency on the button in Delphi 2007.

Delphi 2009完全支持PNG支持。有一个名为GraphicEx的免费软件包(许可为MPL 1.1),它允许您在设计时/运行时加载图像,但是您不会在按钮上获得alpha混合透明度德尔福2007。



PNGimage, which is included in Delphi 2009k, should do the job. If we can find it.

包含在Delphi 2009k中的PNGimage应该可以完成这项工作。如果我们能找到它。



PngComponents pack has a component named PngBitBtn wich can display correctly PNG's with alpha transparency. They are somewhat old, but they can be installed under Delphi 2007 with a little work.

PngComponents包有一个名为PngBitBtn的组件,它可以正确显示带有alpha透明度的PNG。它们有些陈旧,但它们可以安装在Delphi 2007下,只需要一点点工作。



Use a graphics program like Photoshop (or something less expensive) to convert the images to bitmaps. BitBtns don't accept GIF or PNG images.

使用像Photoshop这样的图形程序(或更便宜的东西)将图像转换为位图。 BitBtns不接受GIF或PNG图像。



PNG support is only fully supported by Delphi 2009. There is a freeware package (licensed as MPL 1.1) named GraphicEx which will allow you to load the images at design time/runtime, but you will not get the alpha blended transparency on the button in Delphi 2007.

Delphi 2009完全支持PNG支持。有一个名为GraphicEx的免费软件包(许可为MPL 1.1),它允许您在设计时/运行时加载图像,但是您不会在按钮上获得alpha混合透明度德尔福2007。



PNGimage, which is included in Delphi 2009k, should do the job. If we can find it.

包含在Delphi 2009k中的PNGimage应该可以完成这项工作。如果我们能找到它。