
时间:2021-12-05 21:22:34

I have a game application with characters that have to cross mazes. The game can generate thousands of different mazes and the characters can move according to users choice and cross the maze manually. We needed to add the possibility to show a correct way out of each maze. Therefore we added the possiblity to move the characters according to an xml file.


This XML file is very complex, usually around thirty-fifty thousands of rows. lets say its in the following structure (but much more complex):


  <part id="1">
  <sector number="1">
  <sector number="2">
  <sector number="3">   

At the moment, we have the ability to analayze each maze using a CNN algorithm for image classification and generate an xml that represents a way out of the maze - meaning that if the characters will be moved according to that file, they will cross the maze. That algorithm has been tested and can not be changed by any means.


The problem is that most of the times the generated file is not the best one possible (and quite often it is very noticeable). There are different, faster, better ways to cross the maze.


We also have thousands (and we can get as many as needed) files that were created manually for saved mazes and therefore they are representing an elegant and a fast way out of the maze. The ideal goal is that someday, our program will learn how to generate such a file without people creating them manually.


To conclude, we have plenty of XML files generated by a program compared to the hard-coded XML files. There are thousands of pairs - The file the program generated, and the "ideal" file version that a person created. (and we can get infinite number of such pairs) Is there a way, using those thousands of pairs, to make a second step algorithm that will "learn" what adjustments should be made in the generated XML files to make them more like the hard-coded ones?


I'm not looking for a specific solution here but for a general idea that will get me going. I hope i made myself clear but if I missed some info let me know and I will add it.


4 个解决方案



I think you're barking up the wrong tree. A machine learning algorithm to convert the output from you "immutable" algorithm to better solutions based on user-provided solutions seems like a lot more trouble than it's worth.


To me, this sounds like an application of Dijkstra's algorithm, since you're trying to find the shortest path in a maze, and that's literally what this algorithm is designed for. Of course, any shortest-path algorithm your heart desires would also suffice, but Dijkstra's is one of the more common approaches. Based on this comment you provided on your post:


The shortest duration solution isn't always the best, there are many different factors, amount of life lost during the way, energy wasted (an in-game life and energy of course), and difficulty etc etc. The hand-written solution is sometimes longer in terms of duration but has less risks and less resources used and wasted


the edge weights on your graph are not just distance, but should factor in all of these costs associated with navigating the maze. Since this is very complex, it might also be useful or interesting to provide multiple "best" solutions using different calculations of edge weight which minimize the use of each the resources individually (time, life, energy, ...) as well as one or more that minimizes some combined score.


One other thing: if this is true:


the comparing is not that easy


how are you determining that user solutions are better?


Lastly, you said the following in your original post (emphasis mine):


At the moment, we have the ability to analayze each maze using a CNN algorithm for image classification and generate an xml that represents a way out of the maze - meaning that if the characters will be moved according to that file, they will cross the maze. That algorithm has been tested and can not be changed by any means.


But why? The way this is phrased makes it sound like you wrote the algorithm, so why can't it be changed?




I agree with wlyles answer. Here are my thoughts:


There is an important question: How did you developers decide which was the best way? Do you know the exact weights of importance for the relevant measuring key data. For example total durations importance could be 0.2; live lost = 0.2; special items = 0.1; extra lives gained = 0.4; If you know this, you can easily compare a lot of different solutions to find your best one. But with your optimal solutions you should be able to generate such metrics or train a CNN with differnt solutions and their quality (0-1).

有一个重要的问题:您的开发人员如何决定哪一种方法是最好的?你知道有关测量关键数据的确切权重吗?例如,总持续时间的重要性可以是0.2;生活失去了= 0.2;特殊项目= 0.1;增加的生命数= 0.4;如果你知道这一点,你可以很容易地比较许多不同的解决方案来找到你最好的解决方案。但是有了您的最佳解决方案,您应该能够生成这样的度量,或者培训一个具有不同解决方案和质量的CNN(0-1)。

You do need different solutions of the maze to compare them though! If you dont have those solutions, you have to create them. It is not possible to fix your xml easily. Maybe there are parts of the xml that you can keep, but you need to write something to create new movement solution(s). Either by writing an algorithm which takes uses your weights to create the best solution or by creating a lot of different solutions and then comparing them to find your best one.


Maybe I got you wrong, but I dont think little adjustments in the xml file help, you need bigger changes in the xml (to the relevant parts at least).


This might be obviously, but you dont really want to use the xml directly, but a parsed version of it. Otherwise you wont get any usable solution.




As you mentioned in your question and comments, you don't want change algorithm for finding the best path and only, you are look for finding the best solution from generated solutions.


You should notice that machine learning approaches are designed for optimizing some solutions by changing some factors like changing paths according weights in your issue to find best solution or close to best. But your issue is another story because you just need to a algorithm for checking XML files and finding the best without any changing in solutions.


To sum up, you need to a some testing approaches that it's very hard for each person that find one of them without knowing your scope of programs exactly.




I fully understand the issue. My probability teach in college used to ask the same question a lot of times during the semester : If you have a perfectly shuffled deck of cards and you shuffled one more time. Was the deck more or less random?


The answer was based on the criteria you were using to determine how random the deck was. Were you using the ranks of the cards or the suits. And what game were you playing. Bridge, 5 card stud, or 7 hand.


Over the years I played many games of cards with friends. I used to get upset when one friend used to shuffle the cards 8 and 10 times and slow down the game. Always thought of my professor.


About 25 years later I took a post graduate Probability course that included modeling. I had a final project that I had to pick. I wrote a program that shuffled decks of cards and used for the criteria the types of poker hand that were dealt for both 5 hand and 7 hand poker.


My first results were strange. When I shuffled 1 and 8 times I got exactly same results. Also with 2 & 9, and then with 3 & 10. I finally found the issue. When you did a perfect shuffle by dividing the cards into 2 piles of 26 and then shuffled alternating the cards between the two pile, and did this 7 times you got the exact same deck as when you started.


Lesson learned. Change the method of shuffling so it wasn't perfect. It is the same with your problem. As you developed different solutions you have to go back and reevaluate the criteria and in some cases go back and get additional inputs.


I'm wondering if Dijkstra algorithm can help. You basically have a graph and like Dijkstra trying to get best path. With any graph solution you have Nodes with neighbors and trying to connect neighbors. So best solution is to first determine the nodes and neighbors. You input isn't clear as where the nodes and neighbors are located.




I think you're barking up the wrong tree. A machine learning algorithm to convert the output from you "immutable" algorithm to better solutions based on user-provided solutions seems like a lot more trouble than it's worth.


To me, this sounds like an application of Dijkstra's algorithm, since you're trying to find the shortest path in a maze, and that's literally what this algorithm is designed for. Of course, any shortest-path algorithm your heart desires would also suffice, but Dijkstra's is one of the more common approaches. Based on this comment you provided on your post:


The shortest duration solution isn't always the best, there are many different factors, amount of life lost during the way, energy wasted (an in-game life and energy of course), and difficulty etc etc. The hand-written solution is sometimes longer in terms of duration but has less risks and less resources used and wasted


the edge weights on your graph are not just distance, but should factor in all of these costs associated with navigating the maze. Since this is very complex, it might also be useful or interesting to provide multiple "best" solutions using different calculations of edge weight which minimize the use of each the resources individually (time, life, energy, ...) as well as one or more that minimizes some combined score.


One other thing: if this is true:


the comparing is not that easy


how are you determining that user solutions are better?


Lastly, you said the following in your original post (emphasis mine):


At the moment, we have the ability to analayze each maze using a CNN algorithm for image classification and generate an xml that represents a way out of the maze - meaning that if the characters will be moved according to that file, they will cross the maze. That algorithm has been tested and can not be changed by any means.


But why? The way this is phrased makes it sound like you wrote the algorithm, so why can't it be changed?




I agree with wlyles answer. Here are my thoughts:


There is an important question: How did you developers decide which was the best way? Do you know the exact weights of importance for the relevant measuring key data. For example total durations importance could be 0.2; live lost = 0.2; special items = 0.1; extra lives gained = 0.4; If you know this, you can easily compare a lot of different solutions to find your best one. But with your optimal solutions you should be able to generate such metrics or train a CNN with differnt solutions and their quality (0-1).

有一个重要的问题:您的开发人员如何决定哪一种方法是最好的?你知道有关测量关键数据的确切权重吗?例如,总持续时间的重要性可以是0.2;生活失去了= 0.2;特殊项目= 0.1;增加的生命数= 0.4;如果你知道这一点,你可以很容易地比较许多不同的解决方案来找到你最好的解决方案。但是有了您的最佳解决方案,您应该能够生成这样的度量,或者培训一个具有不同解决方案和质量的CNN(0-1)。

You do need different solutions of the maze to compare them though! If you dont have those solutions, you have to create them. It is not possible to fix your xml easily. Maybe there are parts of the xml that you can keep, but you need to write something to create new movement solution(s). Either by writing an algorithm which takes uses your weights to create the best solution or by creating a lot of different solutions and then comparing them to find your best one.


Maybe I got you wrong, but I dont think little adjustments in the xml file help, you need bigger changes in the xml (to the relevant parts at least).


This might be obviously, but you dont really want to use the xml directly, but a parsed version of it. Otherwise you wont get any usable solution.




As you mentioned in your question and comments, you don't want change algorithm for finding the best path and only, you are look for finding the best solution from generated solutions.


You should notice that machine learning approaches are designed for optimizing some solutions by changing some factors like changing paths according weights in your issue to find best solution or close to best. But your issue is another story because you just need to a algorithm for checking XML files and finding the best without any changing in solutions.


To sum up, you need to a some testing approaches that it's very hard for each person that find one of them without knowing your scope of programs exactly.




I fully understand the issue. My probability teach in college used to ask the same question a lot of times during the semester : If you have a perfectly shuffled deck of cards and you shuffled one more time. Was the deck more or less random?


The answer was based on the criteria you were using to determine how random the deck was. Were you using the ranks of the cards or the suits. And what game were you playing. Bridge, 5 card stud, or 7 hand.


Over the years I played many games of cards with friends. I used to get upset when one friend used to shuffle the cards 8 and 10 times and slow down the game. Always thought of my professor.


About 25 years later I took a post graduate Probability course that included modeling. I had a final project that I had to pick. I wrote a program that shuffled decks of cards and used for the criteria the types of poker hand that were dealt for both 5 hand and 7 hand poker.


My first results were strange. When I shuffled 1 and 8 times I got exactly same results. Also with 2 & 9, and then with 3 & 10. I finally found the issue. When you did a perfect shuffle by dividing the cards into 2 piles of 26 and then shuffled alternating the cards between the two pile, and did this 7 times you got the exact same deck as when you started.


Lesson learned. Change the method of shuffling so it wasn't perfect. It is the same with your problem. As you developed different solutions you have to go back and reevaluate the criteria and in some cases go back and get additional inputs.


I'm wondering if Dijkstra algorithm can help. You basically have a graph and like Dijkstra trying to get best path. With any graph solution you have Nodes with neighbors and trying to connect neighbors. So best solution is to first determine the nodes and neighbors. You input isn't clear as where the nodes and neighbors are located.
