获取silverlight Deep Zoom中Clicked图像的图像ID?

时间:2021-06-25 21:19:01

I am in designing the site something like hardrock memorabilia using slverlight DeepZoom.. And i have managed to create dynamic static image lists and it was working fine with all the zoom & Pan features..

我正在使用slverlight DeepZoom设计类似硬件纪念品的网站..我已经设法创建动态静态图像列表,它与所有缩放和平移功能工作正常..

But i wanted get the id or name of the clicked image to display the Information balloon around the selected image.. (Kind of highglighting)... Based on the image id i will hit the DB and get the image dtails..

但我希望得到点击图像的ID或名称,以显示所选图像周围的信息气球..(高亮显示的种类)...基于图像ID我将点击数据库并获得图像dtails ..

can somebody help me out this???



1 个解决方案


I have found a way to achive this one.. and i have explained this here.. how-to-add-graphics-on



I have found a way to achive this one.. and i have explained this here.. how-to-add-graphics-on
