如何使用j?(或其他格式)图像作为直方图中的背景使用R? [重复]

时间:2022-09-04 21:21:21

Possible Duplicate:
Overlay data onto Background image in R


I have seen nice graphics with a photo in the background. So it is possible?


May I ask the experts how to place a photo, JPG, or if necessary other format, in the background of a classical histogram so that the borders touch the X and Y axes?


Thank you.


1 个解决方案



You can use the rasterImage function to add a raster to an existing graph, it will then be the background for anything added on top of that. See the link in @mplourde's comment for ways to read jpeg or other image formats in that can then be used with rasterImage.

您可以使用rasterImage函数将栅格添加到现有图形中,然后它将作为添加在其上的任何内容的背景。请参阅@ mplourde评论中有关读取jpeg或其他图像格式的方法的链接,然后可以将其与rasterImage一起使用。

Running par('usr') will give you the current user coordinates to plot from axis to axis or you can use grconvertX and grconvertY to find other sets of coordinates. So for a histogram you could plot the histogram, then use rasterImage to place your image, then use hist again with add=TRUE:

运行par('usr')将为您提供从轴到轴绘制的当前用户坐标,或者您可以使用grconvertX和grconvertY来查找其他坐标集。因此,对于直方图,您可以绘制直方图,然后使用rasterImage放置图像,然后使用add = TRUE再次使用hist:

tmp <- rnorm(100)
image <- as.raster(matrix(0:1, ncol=5, nrow=3))
tmp2 <- par('usr')
rasterImage(image, tmp2[1], tmp2[3], tmp2[2], tmp2[4])
hist(tmp, add=TRUE, border='red', lwd=3)

However, be very careful that the background image does not distract from the histogram itself, possibly fading your image or adding an alpha channel to make it semitransparent can help.




You can use the rasterImage function to add a raster to an existing graph, it will then be the background for anything added on top of that. See the link in @mplourde's comment for ways to read jpeg or other image formats in that can then be used with rasterImage.

您可以使用rasterImage函数将栅格添加到现有图形中,然后它将作为添加在其上的任何内容的背景。请参阅@ mplourde评论中有关读取jpeg或其他图像格式的方法的链接,然后可以将其与rasterImage一起使用。

Running par('usr') will give you the current user coordinates to plot from axis to axis or you can use grconvertX and grconvertY to find other sets of coordinates. So for a histogram you could plot the histogram, then use rasterImage to place your image, then use hist again with add=TRUE:

运行par('usr')将为您提供从轴到轴绘制的当前用户坐标,或者您可以使用grconvertX和grconvertY来查找其他坐标集。因此,对于直方图,您可以绘制直方图,然后使用rasterImage放置图像,然后使用add = TRUE再次使用hist:

tmp <- rnorm(100)
image <- as.raster(matrix(0:1, ncol=5, nrow=3))
tmp2 <- par('usr')
rasterImage(image, tmp2[1], tmp2[3], tmp2[2], tmp2[4])
hist(tmp, add=TRUE, border='red', lwd=3)

However, be very careful that the background image does not distract from the histogram itself, possibly fading your image or adding an alpha channel to make it semitransparent can help.
