Android App:图像识别或增强现实,用于检测图像和执行操作

时间:2022-04-04 21:17:28

I have to retrieve data from the database based on the image recognized...


What would be better? Do you have any ideas or what are the ways to do this? I hope Augmented Reality doesn't need here.


Please suggest some image recognition SDK based on my needs...

请根据我的需求推荐一些图像识别SDK ...

Also suggest me how would I link the image and the data in the database???


Thanks in advance


1 个解决方案



OpenCV is famous open source framework for Image Processing and Computer Vision. Here is it's Android SDK. OpenCV Android

OpenCV是着名的图像处理和计算机视觉开源框架。这是Android SDK。 OpenCV Android



OpenCV is famous open source framework for Image Processing and Computer Vision. Here is it's Android SDK. OpenCV Android

OpenCV是着名的图像处理和计算机视觉开源框架。这是Android SDK。 OpenCV Android