I have an overlay on the map, and I would like to change its coordinates. To do this seamlessly I'm going to call the setNeedsDisplayInMapRect: method after the change has been made to the view.
I've tested this out by just changing the fillColor and it works fine:
overlayView.fillColor = [[UIColor greenColor] colorWithAlphaComponent:0.3];
[overlayView setNeedsDisplayInMapRect:mapView.visibleMapRect];
However I've seemingly hit a brick wall trying to also change the center coordinates of my overlay view (which is an MKCircleView with an MKCircle). There is a method in MKAnnotation, which MKCircle conforms to, called setCoordinate: - which seems like what I need. Unfortunately though, the circle
property in MKCircleView is readonly. Moreover the overlay
property in MKOverlayView is also readonly.
Is there actually a way of changing the coordinates for an overlay, without resort to remove the overlay view and adding a new one (which would cause very noticeable flicker on the screen.) ?
1 个解决方案
same problem is occurred here , so i'm creating set of method and calling it according to requirement.
if ([[self.tmpMapView annotations] count]) {
[self.tmpMapView removeAnnotations:[self.tmpMapView annotations]];
if ([[self.tmpMapView overlays] count]) {
[self.tmpMapView removeOverlays:[self.tmpMapView overlays]];
for (MKOverlayView *oView in [self.tmpMapView overlays]) {
if (oView.tag == tagValue) {
[self.tmpMapView removeOverlay:oView];
same problem is occurred here , so i'm creating set of method and calling it according to requirement.
if ([[self.tmpMapView annotations] count]) {
[self.tmpMapView removeAnnotations:[self.tmpMapView annotations]];
if ([[self.tmpMapView overlays] count]) {
[self.tmpMapView removeOverlays:[self.tmpMapView overlays]];
for (MKOverlayView *oView in [self.tmpMapView overlays]) {
if (oView.tag == tagValue) {
[self.tmpMapView removeOverlay:oView];