
时间:2021-12-03 21:18:28

Images are replaced with blank white space while converting pdf to lower version (1.4 ) using ghostscript. Everything seems fine but some content such as images of pdf was replaced. How to keep all content safe on converted pdf file? Script i used:


shell_exec( "gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite  -dSAFER  -dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 -dNOPAUSE -dQUIET -dBATCH   -sOutputFile=$output $source");

1 个解决方案


OK, first caveat, you aren't 'converting' your PDF file, you are making a new one. The new one has limitations not present in the original.


What version of Ghostscript are you using, on what platform, and where did you get it from ?


You are running with -dQUIET which limits the output you get, I would suggest that you don't do that, then you paste the backchannel from the application here which just might tell you something meaningful. You will, obviously, want to run that from the command line, not PHP.


However, its likely that nobody is going to be able to help you at all without seeing your original PDF file. If you think you have found a bug then your best bet is to open a bug report at bugs.ghostscript.com, where you can attach a specimen file that exhibits the problem. Alternatively post the PDF file somewhere public and put a link here.



OK, first caveat, you aren't 'converting' your PDF file, you are making a new one. The new one has limitations not present in the original.


What version of Ghostscript are you using, on what platform, and where did you get it from ?


You are running with -dQUIET which limits the output you get, I would suggest that you don't do that, then you paste the backchannel from the application here which just might tell you something meaningful. You will, obviously, want to run that from the command line, not PHP.


However, its likely that nobody is going to be able to help you at all without seeing your original PDF file. If you think you have found a bug then your best bet is to open a bug report at bugs.ghostscript.com, where you can attach a specimen file that exhibits the problem. Alternatively post the PDF file somewhere public and put a link here.
