MVC is used a number of popular frameworks. To name just a few, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET MVC, Monorail, Spring MVC.
MVC使用了许多流行的框架。仅举几例,Ruby on Rails,ASP.NET MVC,Monorail,Spring MVC。
Are there any equivalent frameworks using any variant of MVP?
Most of the examples I've found online seem to be custom implementations of the pattern rather than reusable frameworks.
Suggestions need not be specific to any particular programming language, my interest is mostly academic.
4 个解决方案
There is also an "MVP Bundle" in Web Client Software Factory (WCSF) 2.0.
Web客户端软件工厂(WCSF)2.0中还有一个“MVP Bundle”。
I'm maintaining Claymore an MVP framework for Winform, ASP.NET et Compact Framework.
我维护Claymore是Winform,ASP.NET和Compact Framework的MVP框架。
MVC# is really an MVP framework, in spite of the name.
I GWT uses MVP Pattern. See this video.
There is also an "MVP Bundle" in Web Client Software Factory (WCSF) 2.0.
Web客户端软件工厂(WCSF)2.0中还有一个“MVP Bundle”。
I'm maintaining Claymore an MVP framework for Winform, ASP.NET et Compact Framework.
我维护Claymore是Winform,ASP.NET和Compact Framework的MVP框架。