error: invalid abbreviation code [25] for DIE at 0x0000003e in Assertion failed: (*offset_ptr == end_prologue_offset), function ParsePrologue, file /S

时间:2024-12-03 08:37:56

error: invalid abbreviation code [25] for DIE at 0x0000003e in '/Users/mac/Desktop/MYiosfiles/test/XMPP即时通讯/XMPP即时通讯/Lib/XMPP/Vendor/libidn/libidn.a'

Assertion failed: (*offset_ptr == end_prologue_offset), function ParsePrologue, file /SourceCache/dwarf_utilities/dwarf_utilities-121.1/source/DWARFDebugLine.cpp, line 619.


修改 "Debug Information Format" to DWARF, the error will go away.


error: invalid abbreviation code [25] for DIE at 0x0000003e in Assertion failed: (*offset_ptr == end_prologue_offset), function ParsePrologue, file /S