将环写作以下顶点的序列V[1], V[2], ... , V[k],并假设其沿着顺时针(或逆时针)进行排序。记L(v, u)表示连接v和u的边的长度,接下来我们记E[i]=L(V[i], V[i+1]),其中i=1,..., k - 1,而E[k] = L(V[k], V[1])。这些操作在O(n)的时间可以完成。
记LEFT[i]表示在移除边(V[i], V[i+1])的前提下,V[1], ... , V[i]表示所代表的孤立连通图中最远的两个顶点的距离;而RIGHT[i]表示在移除边(V[i], V[i+1])的前提下,V[i+1], ... , V[k]所代表的孤立连通图中最远的两个顶点的距离;记CROSS[i]表示在移除边(V[i], V[i+1])的前提下,V[i+1], ... , V[k]所代表的孤立连通图中某个顶点到V[1], ... , V[i]所代表的孤立连通图中另外一个顶点之间最大的距离。因此当移除边(V[i], V[i+1])时,对于距离最远的来自不同的孤立连通图的两个顶点U, V,必然有
$$ WD\left(V,U\right)=MAX\left(LEFT\left[i\right],RIGHT\left[i\right],CROSS\left[i\right]\right) $$在已知LEFT,RIGHT,CROSS的情况下这部分总的时间复杂度为O(1)*n=O(n)。
说一下如果利用动态规划在O(n)时间复杂度内计算LEFT,RIGHT和CROSS。记每个顶点V[i]都维护了属性V[i].S=V[1].S+V[2].S+...V[i-1].S。维护数组W[i]=V[i].END+V.S,M[i]=V[i].END-V[i].S,LW[i]=MAX(W[1], W[2], ... , W[i-1]),LM[i]=MAX(M[1], M[2], ... ,M[i-1]), RW[i] = MAX(W[i+1], W[i+2], ... , W[k]),RM[i] = MAX(M[i+1], M[i+2], ... , M[k]),这可以在O(n)的时间复杂度内完成。
在移除边(V[i], V[i+1])的前提下,LEFT[i]值对应的两个顶点来自环上的顶点A,B所代表的孤立连通图,A,B中或者一者为V[i],或者二者均不是V[i]。在后面的情况下LEFT[i]=LEFT[i-1]。而在前面的情况下不妨设B=V[i],则WD(A,V[i])=A.END+V[i].END+D(A,V[i])=(A.END-A.S)+(V[i].END+V[i].S)=LM[i] + W[i]。即LEFT[i]=MAX(LEFT[i-1], LM[i] + W[i])
同样RIGHT[i]或者为RIGHT[i+1],或者为WD(V[i+1], B)=(V[i+1].END-V[i+1].S) + (B.END + B.S)=M[i+1] + RW[i+1]。即RIGHT[i]=MAX(RIGHT[i+1], M[i+1] + RW[i+1])。
package cn.dalt.codeforces; import java.io.BufferedInputStream; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.PushbackInputStream; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.BigInteger; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; /** * Created by dalt on 2017/9/6. */ public class RoadsInTheKingdom2 { private static final long INFINITE_SMALL = (long) (-1e14); int n; Node[] allNodes; LinkedList<Node> loop = new LinkedList<>(); LinkedList<Long> distanceToNextNode = new LinkedList<>(); public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { RoadsInTheKingdom2 instance = new RoadsInTheKingdom2(); instance.init(new AcmInputReader(System.in)); long result = instance.solve(); System.out.println(result); } void init(AcmInputReader input) throws Exception { n = input.nextInteger(); allNodes = new Node[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { allNodes[i] = new Node(); allNodes[i].id = i + 1; } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int ui = input.nextInteger() - 1; int vi = input.nextInteger() - 1; int li = input.nextInteger(); allNodes[ui].addNearNode(allNodes[vi], li); allNodes[vi].addNearNode(allNodes[ui], li); } } boolean searchLoop(Node node, Node from) { if (node.flag == Node.FLAG_VISITED) { //find a loop, and (from, node) is an edge in loop //Remove (from, node) long distance = node.removeNearNode(from); from.removeNearNode(node); searchLoop0(node, from, null); loop.add(node); distanceToNextNode.add(distance); node.flag = Node.FLAG_IN_LOOP; return true; } node.flag = Node.FLAG_VISITED; for (Node next : node.nearNodes) { if (next == from) { continue; } if(searchLoop(next, node)) { return true; } } return false; } boolean searchLoop0(Node node, Node target, Node from) { if (node == target) { return true; } Iterator<Long> distanceIterator = node.distanceTo.iterator(); for (Node next : node.nearNodes) { Long distanceTo = distanceIterator.next(); if (next == from) { continue; } if (searchLoop0(next, target, node)) { loop.add(next); distanceToNextNode.add(distanceTo); next.flag = Node.FLAG_IN_LOOP; return true; } } return false; } void preCalculateEndAndMid(Node node, Node from) { Iterator<Long> distanceIterator = node.distanceTo.iterator(); SimpleHeap heap = new SimpleHeap(); long maxMid = 0; for (Node next : node.nearNodes) { Long distanceTo = distanceIterator.next(); if (next.flag == Node.FLAG_IN_LOOP) { continue; } if (next == from) { continue; } preCalculateEndAndMid(next, node); heap.update(distanceTo + next.end); maxMid = Math.max(maxMid, next.mid); } node.end = heap.max; node.mid = Math.max(heap.max + heap.secondaryMax, maxMid); } void preCalculateAloneRelatedGraph() { for (Node node : loop) { preCalculateEndAndMid(node, null); } } long solve() { searchLoop(allNodes[0], null); preCalculateAloneRelatedGraph(); long possibleResult = 0; for (Node node : loop) { possibleResult = possibleResult > node.mid ? possibleResult : node.mid; } //DP part int loopSize = loop.size(); long[] cross = new long[loopSize]; long[] left = new long[loopSize]; long[] right = new long[loopSize]; { long[] w = new long[loopSize]; long[] m = new long[loopSize]; long[] lw = new long[loopSize]; long[] lm = new long[loopSize]; long[] rw = new long[loopSize]; long[] rm = new long[loopSize]; long distanceToFirstVertexInLoop = 0; { int i = 0; Iterator<Long> distanceIterator = distanceToNextNode.iterator(); for (Node node : loop) { w[i] = node.end + distanceToFirstVertexInLoop; m[i] = node.end - distanceToFirstVertexInLoop; distanceToFirstVertexInLoop += distanceIterator.next(); i++; } } lw[0] = INFINITE_SMALL; lm[0] = INFINITE_SMALL; left[0] = INFINITE_SMALL; for (int i = 1; i < loopSize; i++) { lw[i] = Math.max(lw[i - 1], w[i - 1]); lm[i] = Math.max(lm[i - 1], m[i - 1]); left[i] = Math.max(left[i - 1], lm[i] + w[i]); } rw[loopSize - 1] = INFINITE_SMALL; rm[loopSize - 1] = INFINITE_SMALL; right[loopSize - 1] = INFINITE_SMALL; for (int i = loopSize - 2; i >= 0; i--) { rw[i] = Math.max(rw[i + 1], w[i + 1]); rm[i] = Math.max(rm[i + 1], m[i + 1]); right[i] = Math.max(right[i + 1], rw[i + 1] + m[i + 1]); } for (int i = 0, bound = loopSize - 1; i < bound; i++) { cross[i] = rm[i] + lw[i + 1] + distanceToFirstVertexInLoop; } } //Find the best solution with DP results long minInconvenienceCrossLoop = left[loopSize - 1]; for (int i = 0, bound = loopSize - 1; i < bound; i++) { long inconvenience = 0; inconvenience = Math.max(left[i], inconvenience); inconvenience = Math.max(right[i], inconvenience); inconvenience = Math.max(cross[i], inconvenience); minInconvenienceCrossLoop = Math.min(minInconvenienceCrossLoop, inconvenience); } return Math.max(minInconvenienceCrossLoop, possibleResult); } private static class SimpleHeap { long max = 0; long secondaryMax = 0; void update(long value) { if (value > max) { secondaryMax = max; max = value; } else if (value > secondaryMax) { secondaryMax = value; } } } private static class Node { public static final int FLAG_VISITED = 1; public static final int FLAG_IN_LOOP = 2; List<Node> nearNodes = new LinkedList<>(); List<Long> distanceTo = new LinkedList<>(); long end; long mid; int flag; int id; @Override public String toString() { return "" + id; } void addNearNode(Node node, long distance) { nearNodes.add(node); distanceTo.add(distance); } long distanceTo(Node node) { Iterator<Node> nodeIterator = nearNodes.iterator(); Iterator<Long> distanceIteartor = distanceTo.iterator(); while (nodeIterator.next() != node) { distanceIteartor.next(); } return distanceIteartor.next(); } long removeNearNode(Node node) { Iterator<Node> nodeIterator = nearNodes.iterator(); Iterator<Long> distanceIteartor = distanceTo.iterator(); while (nodeIterator.next() != node) { distanceIteartor.next(); } nodeIterator.remove(); long result = distanceIteartor.next(); distanceIteartor.remove(); return result; } } /** * @author dalt * @see java.lang.AutoCloseable * @since java1.7 */ private static class AcmInputReader implements AutoCloseable { private PushbackInputStream in; /** * 创建读取器 * * @param input 输入流 */ public AcmInputReader(InputStream input) { in = new PushbackInputStream(new BufferedInputStream(input)); } @Override public void close() throws IOException { in.close(); } private int nextByte() throws IOException { return in.read() & 0xff; } /** * 如果下一个字节为b,则跳过该字节 * * @param b 被跳过的字节值 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public void skipByte(int b) throws IOException { int c; if ((c = nextByte()) != b) { in.unread(c); } } /** * 如果后续k个字节均为b,则跳过k个字节。这里{@literal k<times} * * @param b 被跳过的字节值 * @param times 跳过次数,-1表示无穷 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public void skipByte(int b, int times) throws IOException { int c; while ((c = nextByte()) == b && times > 0) { times--; } if (c != b) { in.unread(c); } } /** * 类似于{@link #skipByte(int, int)}, 但是会跳过中间出现的空白字符。 * * @param b 被跳过的字节值 * @param times 跳过次数,-1表示无穷 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public void skipBlankAndByte(int b, int times) throws IOException { int c; skipBlank(); while ((c = nextByte()) == b && times > 0) { times--; skipBlank(); } if (c != b) { in.unread(c); } } /** * 读取下一块不含空白字符的字符块 * * @return 下一块不含空白字符的字符块 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public String nextBlock() throws IOException { skipBlank(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); int c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c = nextByte()] != AsciiMarksLazyHolder.BLANK_MARK) { sb.append((char) c); } in.unread(c); return sb.toString(); } /** * 跳过输入流中后续空白字符 * * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ private void skipBlank() throws IOException { int c; while ((c = nextByte()) <= 32) ; in.unread(c); } /** * 读取下一个整数(可正可负),这里没有对溢出做判断 * * @return 下一个整数值 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public int nextInteger() throws IOException { skipBlank(); int value = 0; boolean positive = true; int c = nextByte(); if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) { positive = c == '+'; } else { value = '0' - c; } c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) { value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + '0' - c; c = nextByte(); } in.unread(c); return positive ? -value : value; } /** * 判断是否到了文件结尾 * * @return true如果到了文件结尾,否则false * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public boolean isMeetEOF() throws IOException { int c = nextByte(); if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.EOF) { return true; } in.unread(c); return false; } /** * 判断是否在跳过空白字符后抵达文件结尾 * * @return true如果到了文件结尾,否则false * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public boolean isMeetBlankAndEOF() throws IOException { skipBlank(); int c = nextByte(); if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.EOF) { return true; } in.unread(c); return false; } /** * 获取下一个用英文字母组成的单词 * * @return 下一个用英文字母组成的单词 */ public String nextWord() throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(16); skipBlank(); int c; while ((AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[(c = nextByte())] & AsciiMarksLazyHolder.LETTER_MARK) != 0) { sb.append((char) c); } in.unread(c); return sb.toString(); } /** * 读取下一个长整数(可正可负),这里没有对溢出做判断 * * @return 下一个长整数值 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public long nextLong() throws IOException { skipBlank(); long value = 0; boolean positive = true; int c = nextByte(); if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) { positive = c == '+'; } else { value = '0' - c; } c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) { value = (value << 3) + (value << 1) + '0' - c; c = nextByte(); } in.unread(c); return positive ? -value : value; } /** * 读取下一个浮点数(可正可负),浮点数是近似值 * * @return 下一个浮点数值 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public float nextFloat() throws IOException { return (float) nextDouble(); } /** * 读取下一个浮点数(可正可负),浮点数是近似值 * * @return 下一个浮点数值 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public double nextDouble() throws IOException { skipBlank(); double value = 0; boolean positive = true; int c = nextByte(); if (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.SIGN_MARK) { positive = c == '+'; } else { value = c - '0'; } c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) { value = value * 10.0 + c - '0'; c = nextByte(); } if (c == '.') { double littlePart = 0; double base = 1; c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) { littlePart = littlePart * 10.0 + c - '0'; base *= 10.0; c = nextByte(); } value += littlePart / base; } in.unread(c); return positive ? value : -value; } /** * 读取下一个高精度数值 * * @return 下一个高精度数值 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public BigDecimal nextDecimal() throws IOException { skipBlank(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append((char) nextByte()); int c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) { sb.append((char) c); c = nextByte(); } if (c == '.') { sb.append('.'); c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) { sb.append((char) c); c = nextByte(); } } in.unread(c); return new BigDecimal(sb.toString()); } /** * 读取下一个大整数数值 * * @return 下一个大整数数值 * @throws IOException if 输入流读取错误 */ public BigInteger nextBigInteger() throws IOException { skipBlank(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append((char) nextByte()); int c = nextByte(); while (AsciiMarksLazyHolder.asciiMarks[c] == AsciiMarksLazyHolder.NUMERAL_MARK) { sb.append((char) c); c = nextByte(); } in.unread(c); return new BigInteger(sb.toString()); } private static class AsciiMarksLazyHolder { public static final byte BLANK_MARK = 1; public static final byte SIGN_MARK = 1 << 1; public static final byte NUMERAL_MARK = 1 << 2; public static final byte UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK = 1 << 3; public static final byte LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK = 1 << 4; public static final byte LETTER_MARK = UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK | LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK; public static final byte EOF = 1 << 5; public static byte[] asciiMarks = new byte[256]; static { for (int i = 0; i <= 32; i++) { asciiMarks[i] = BLANK_MARK; } asciiMarks['+'] = SIGN_MARK; asciiMarks['-'] = SIGN_MARK; for (int i = '0'; i <= '9'; i++) { asciiMarks[i] = NUMERAL_MARK; } for (int i = 'a'; i <= 'z'; i++) { asciiMarks[i] = LOWERCASE_LETTER_MARK; } for (int i = 'A'; i <= 'Z'; i++) { asciiMarks[i] = UPPERCASE_LETTER_MARK; } asciiMarks[0xff] = EOF; } } } }