[Windows Azure] Management REST API Reference

时间:2023-03-08 17:33:48
[Windows Azure] Management REST API Reference

Management REST API Reference

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The SQL Database Management API is a REST API for managing SQL Database servers and the firewall rules associated with SQL Database servers.

This reference provides information for working with the SQL Database Management API, as well as specific reference information for available operations.

In This Section

Topic Description

About the Windows Azure SQL Database Management API

A general overview of the Database Management API including a reference table of the URLs used with each operation.

Authenticating Windows Azure SQL Database Management API Requests

Describes the requirements for authenticating an API request with the SQL Database Management Service.

Status and Error Codes

A reference of potential error codes and messages returned in response to a Database Management API request.

Operations on Windows Azure SQL Database Servers

A technical reference of all supported operations provided by the Database Management API for managing SQL Database servers. Sample code is also included with the technical reference.

Operations on Server-Level Firewall Rules

A technical reference of all supported operations provided by the Database Management API for managing server-level firewall rules for SQL Database servers. Sample code is also included with the technical reference.

See Also

Other Resources

Windows Azure SQL Database