
时间:2021-09-22 20:48:24

Suppose I have a struct:


myStruct = struct()
myStruct.a = 1;
myStruct.b = 20;
myStruct.c = 4;

Is it possible to convert it to map where the keys are the struct fields? For example, myMap('a') should return 1.


1 个解决方案



It can be done as follows:


myMap = containers.Map(fieldnames(myStruct), struct2cell(myStruct));

This uses the syntax myMap = containers.Map(keys, values), where

这使用语法myMap =容器。地图(键值),

  • keys is a cell array of the field names of myStruct, generated by the function fieldnames;
  • 键是由函数fieldnames生成的myStruct字段名的单元数组;
  • valuesis a cell array of the values of mystruct, obtained with struct2cell.
  • 用struct2cell获得的mystruct值的单元格数组。



It can be done as follows:


myMap = containers.Map(fieldnames(myStruct), struct2cell(myStruct));

This uses the syntax myMap = containers.Map(keys, values), where

这使用语法myMap =容器。地图(键值),

  • keys is a cell array of the field names of myStruct, generated by the function fieldnames;
  • 键是由函数fieldnames生成的myStruct字段名的单元数组;
  • valuesis a cell array of the values of mystruct, obtained with struct2cell.
  • 用struct2cell获得的mystruct值的单元格数组。