I need to find a way to convert from Future to ListenableFuture. Currently i'm using a service which returns Future but i need to hook up a listener to it. I can't change the service interface as it doesn't belong to me.
Is there a simple way to do that ?
I have read guava docs but still i can't find a way to do it.
1 个解决方案
Guava provides the JdkFutureAdapters
types for this conversion. The API states
Guava为此转换提供了JdkFutureAdapters类型。 API声明
Utilities necessary for working with libraries that supply plain Future instances.
For example
Future<?> future = ...;
ListenableFuture<?> listenable = JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future);
But you should use it with care: it's hard to emulate listenable future when you already have submitted task, because there is no way to put a hook on completion there, so Guava takes a new thread and blocks there until original Future
is completed.
The Guava Wiki also contains some information on this specific case.
Guava Wiki还包含有关此特定案例的一些信息。
Guava provides the JdkFutureAdapters
types for this conversion. The API states
Guava为此转换提供了JdkFutureAdapters类型。 API声明
Utilities necessary for working with libraries that supply plain Future instances.
For example
Future<?> future = ...;
ListenableFuture<?> listenable = JdkFutureAdapters.listenInPoolThread(future);
But you should use it with care: it's hard to emulate listenable future when you already have submitted task, because there is no way to put a hook on completion there, so Guava takes a new thread and blocks there until original Future
is completed.
The Guava Wiki also contains some information on this specific case.
Guava Wiki还包含有关此特定案例的一些信息。