
时间:2021-08-22 20:45:03

I have a question regarding the knitr chunk option "dependson". As far as I understood the manual this option should be used to specify which other cached chunks a cached chunk depends on. But is there a way to invalidate a chunk's cache when an uncached chunk changes?

我有一个关于knitr chunk选项“dependson”的问题。据我所知,手册此选项应该用于指定缓存块所依赖的其他缓存块。但有没有办法在未缓存的块更改时使块的缓存无效?

Here's a minimal example:


File knitrtest.Rnw:

\documentclass{article}\begin{document}<<>>=library(knitr)read_chunk("chunks.R")@<<not_cached>>=@<<cached, cache=TRUE, dependson="not_cached">>=@\end{document}

File chunks.R:

## @knitr not_cachedvar <- 42## @knitr cachedvar

When I change var the output from chunk "cached" is still 42 as the dependson option doesn't apply.In my example I could solve the problem by caching the first chunk, too. However, I cannot do that because in the first chunk I use library() and read in external files, so this chunk should not be cached.


Is there a way to invalidate cache when a not cached chunk changes?


1 个解决方案



Yes, you can make var a part of the chunk options, e.g.


<<cached, cache=TRUE, cache.whatever=var>>=@

cache.whatever is not an official chunk option name, but you can use arbitrary options in knitr, and they will affect the cache invalidation. In this case, when var is updated, the cache will be updated.


If you want var to affect all cached chunks, you can set it as a global option, but remember to set it as an unevaluated expression:


opts_chunk$set(cache.whatever = quote(var))

You can use arbitrary R expressions inside quote(), so if you have more variables, you can put them in a list, e.g.


opts_chunk$set(cache.whatever = quote(list(var1, var2)))



Yes, you can make var a part of the chunk options, e.g.


<<cached, cache=TRUE, cache.whatever=var>>=@

cache.whatever is not an official chunk option name, but you can use arbitrary options in knitr, and they will affect the cache invalidation. In this case, when var is updated, the cache will be updated.


If you want var to affect all cached chunks, you can set it as a global option, but remember to set it as an unevaluated expression:


opts_chunk$set(cache.whatever = quote(var))

You can use arbitrary R expressions inside quote(), so if you have more variables, you can put them in a list, e.g.


opts_chunk$set(cache.whatever = quote(list(var1, var2)))