[置顶] Guava学习之CharSequenceReader

时间:2021-07-29 20:44:46




123 private CharSequence seq;   //存放字符序列private int pos;            //存放上述字符序列的下一次读private int mark;           //可以记录pos的位置,用于下一次重置到pos位置


123 public CharSequenceReader(CharSequence seq) {     this.seq = checkNotNull(seq);}


01020304050607080910111213   private void checkOpen() throws IOException {      if (seq == null) {          throw new IOException("reader closed");      }  }   private boolean hasRemaining() {      return remaining() > 0;  }   private int remaining() {      return seq.length() - pos;}


123 public synchronized int read(CharBuffer target) throws IOExceptionpublic synchronized int read() throws IOExceptionpublic synchronized int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException

上述上个函数都是重写自Reader类相关的函数,read(CharBuffer target) 函数实现如下:

01020304050607080910111213 @Overridepublic synchronized int read(CharBuffer target) throws IOException {    checkNotNull(target);    checkOpen();    if (!hasRemaining()) {        return -1;    }    int charsToRead = Math.min(target.remaining(), remaining());    for (int i = 0; i < charsToRead; i++) {        target.put(seq.charAt(pos++));    }    return charsToRead;}


12345 @Overridepublic synchronized int read() throws IOException {    checkOpen();    return hasRemaining() ? seq.charAt(pos++) : -1;}

  可以看出,这个函数实现相当的简单,先判断seq中是否没被清空;接着判断seq中还有数据可读与否,如果有数据可读,则返回seq中下标为pos的数据,且pos向后移动一个位置;如果没有数据可读,则之间返回-1。read()函数最多只返回一个字符。read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) 函数实现如下:

0102030405060708091011121314 @Override public synchronized int read(char[] cbuf, int off, int len) throws IOException {     checkPositionIndexes(off, off + len, cbuf.length);     checkOpen();     if (!hasRemaining()) {         return -1;     }      int charsToRead = Math.min(len, remaining());     for (int i = 0; i < charsToRead; i++) {         cbuf[off + i] = seq.charAt(pos++);     }     return charsToRead;}

大题和read(CharBuffer target)函数实现类似。它主要是将读取的到字符存放在cbuf下标从off开始的位置,并且依次读取charsToRead个,最后返回本次读取到的字符个数。
   接下来说说skip(long n)函数,它的实现如下:

123456789 @Override public synchronized long skip(long n) throws IOException {     checkArgument(n >= 0, "n (%s) may not be negative", n);     checkOpen();     // safe because remaining is an int     int charsToSkip = (int) Math.min(remaining(), n);      pos += charsToSkip;     return charsToSkip;}

主要是通过移动pos指标,从而达到忽略seq中charsToSkip 个字符。上面我们就说了CharSequenceReader类中大多数的函数都是重写Reader类的,阅读Reader类中的skip(long n)函数我们可以看到,它忽略了charsToSkip个字符的同时还保存了本次被忽略的charsToSkip个字符于char skipBuffer[]数组中。

0102030405060708091011121314151617181920212223242526272829   @Override  public synchronized boolean ready() throws IOException {      checkOpen();      return true;  }   @Override  public boolean markSupported() {      return true;  }   @Override  public synchronized void mark(int readAheadLimit) throws IOException {      checkArgument(readAheadLimit >= 0,               "readAheadLimit (%s) may not be negative", readAheadLimit);      checkOpen();      mark = pos;  }   @Override  public synchronized void reset() throws IOException {      checkOpen();      pos = mark;  }   @Override  public synchronized void close() throws IOException {      seq = null;}

  我们可以从源码中发现,CharSequenceReader类中绝大部分的函数都是用了synchronized 修饰的,这使得每一次只有一个线程执行相关的函数(完)

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