Java EE中的Junit测试(JPA)

时间:2022-05-06 20:36:03

I'm creating a simple web application in JAVA EE using (EJB, JPA and JPQL). I want to know how to test the model using mockito to test the EJB. I want to mock the context (database, and properties)

我正在使用(EJB,JPA和JPQL)在JAVA EE中创建一个简单的Web应用程序。我想知道如何使用mockito测试模型来测试EJB。我想模拟上下文(数据库和属性)

How do I do that ?

我怎么做 ?

private EntityManager mockedEntityManager;
private static TendererBean tendererBean;
private static TendererManagerBean tendererManagerBean;   
private static EJBContainer container;
final Properties p = new Properties();
    p.put("jdbc/Mydatabase", "new://Resource?type=DataSource");
    p.put("jdbc/Mydatabase.JdbcDriver", "apache_derby_net");
    p.put("jdbc/Mydatabase.JdbcUrl", "jdbc:derby://localhost:1527/Mydatabase");
    container = EJBContainer.createEJBContainer(p);
    final Context context = container.getContext();
    tendererBean = (TendererBean) context.lookup("java:global/classesTendererManagerBean");

2 个解决方案



Alex is right, you should not need database connections in a unit test (unless you trying to create an integration test) You can try mocking them like this. The code may be messy, hope it helps


public class ChargeServiceTest {

private ChargeService chargeService;

private EntityManager entityManager;

private Query query;
private Biller biller;
private Client client;

private String expectedSqlQuery1 = "Select count(c) from ClientContractCharge c where c.clientContract.biller =?1 and c.recurringInvoice = true and c.clientContract.client = ?2 and (c.dateCreated >= ?3 or c.dateLastUpdated >= ?3)  order by c.dateCreated ASC";

public void before() {
    chargeService = new ChargeService();

public void listCountTest1() {
    when(query.getSingleResult()).thenReturn((long) 10);
    Long count = chargeService.listCount(biller, client);
    verify(query).setParameter(1, biller);
    assertEquals(count, Long.valueOf(10));

Service class


@LocalBean public class ChargeService {
public long listCount(Biller biller, Client client) {

    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
    s.append("Select count(c) from ClientContractCharge c where c.clientContract.biller =?1 and c.recurringInvoice = true ");
    if (client != null) {
        s.append("and c.clientContract.client = ?2 ");
    s.append(" order by c.dateCreated ASC");
    Query q = em.createQuery(s.toString());
    q.setParameter(1, biller);
    if (client != null) {
        q.setParameter(2, client);

    return (long) (Long) q.getSingleResult();



It should not be necessary to hassle around with db properties in your test code. Another thing to keep in mind: A unit test should not need a database connection, because then it's more than a unit test, it should mock away the persistence.


EntityManager can easily be mocked with for example Mockito. Additionally, you can mock a Query to get the needed result for the test.


Check out Adam Bien's post on Mocking JPA EntityManager and Query for how this can be done.

查看Adam Bien关于Mocking JPA EntityManager和Query的帖子,了解如何做到这一点。



Alex is right, you should not need database connections in a unit test (unless you trying to create an integration test) You can try mocking them like this. The code may be messy, hope it helps


public class ChargeServiceTest {

private ChargeService chargeService;

private EntityManager entityManager;

private Query query;
private Biller biller;
private Client client;

private String expectedSqlQuery1 = "Select count(c) from ClientContractCharge c where c.clientContract.biller =?1 and c.recurringInvoice = true and c.clientContract.client = ?2 and (c.dateCreated >= ?3 or c.dateLastUpdated >= ?3)  order by c.dateCreated ASC";

public void before() {
    chargeService = new ChargeService();

public void listCountTest1() {
    when(query.getSingleResult()).thenReturn((long) 10);
    Long count = chargeService.listCount(biller, client);
    verify(query).setParameter(1, biller);
    assertEquals(count, Long.valueOf(10));

Service class


@LocalBean public class ChargeService {
public long listCount(Biller biller, Client client) {

    StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder();
    s.append("Select count(c) from ClientContractCharge c where c.clientContract.biller =?1 and c.recurringInvoice = true ");
    if (client != null) {
        s.append("and c.clientContract.client = ?2 ");
    s.append(" order by c.dateCreated ASC");
    Query q = em.createQuery(s.toString());
    q.setParameter(1, biller);
    if (client != null) {
        q.setParameter(2, client);

    return (long) (Long) q.getSingleResult();



It should not be necessary to hassle around with db properties in your test code. Another thing to keep in mind: A unit test should not need a database connection, because then it's more than a unit test, it should mock away the persistence.


EntityManager can easily be mocked with for example Mockito. Additionally, you can mock a Query to get the needed result for the test.


Check out Adam Bien's post on Mocking JPA EntityManager and Query for how this can be done.

查看Adam Bien关于Mocking JPA EntityManager和Query的帖子,了解如何做到这一点。