使用HSSF复制和粘贴行(Apache POI)[重复]

时间:2021-12-18 20:25:40

Possible Duplicate:
How to insert a row between two rows in an existing excel with HSSF (Apache POI)

可能重复:如何使用HSSF(Apache POI)在现有Excel中的两行之间插入行

How can I copy the values and all the formatting of a row using HSSF. Using the MS Excel or other Spread Sheet application it is easy as copy and paste. But now I'm having problem copying a row with HSSF in Java.

如何使用HSSF复制行的值和所有格式。使用MS Excel或其他Spread Sheet应用程序,可以轻松复制和粘贴。但现在我在使用Java中的HSSF复制行时遇到问题。

My scenario right now, is I'm on the Cell:A46 and it is the last row of the table, but I still have many data to populate on the cell. I cannot simply just create a row and it cells, because I need also the formatting. And it may also break some of the formulas, because I use an excel template which have formatting after Cell:A46.


2 个解决方案



Why do you not iterate trough the cells, and creating a new cell on the new row and copy the layout information from the "old" one?


BTW: If you have to do with may style information, then have a look at JXLS. It is based on POI and an be used (for example) to populate Excel files, from Excel-file based templates




I did a similar post that have an answer which solve this problem.


For the answer, just take a look on my other post here




Why do you not iterate trough the cells, and creating a new cell on the new row and copy the layout information from the "old" one?


BTW: If you have to do with may style information, then have a look at JXLS. It is based on POI and an be used (for example) to populate Excel files, from Excel-file based templates




I did a similar post that have an answer which solve this problem.


For the answer, just take a look on my other post here
