Apache POI:如何在Excel文件中插入列

时间:2022-08-14 20:26:21

I'm using POI to manipulate data in Excel files for a university project. I'm having trouble inserting a new column in an existing Excel. I tried to use


Cell c = createCell(int column);

but it seems that if the column already exists, it replaces the existing data. What I need is to shift all the other columns one column to the right when I insert the new one.


I searched over the internet but I couldn't find a solution to that. Is there a way to do it, without iterating all the cells in the row and moving them one-by-one ?


2 个解决方案



To my knowledge, POI doesn't support this directly. You could create a copy of the worksheet and copy the data over, leaving room for your new column. You also need to take into consideration the need to re-write any formulas in the columns beyond your insertion point and any formulas that use those cells.




According to this post from 2008, which I got from Google "poi insert column", POI does not presently have an API to do this. You will need to iterate over the rows and adjust all references yourself.

根据我从2008年获得的这篇文章,我从谷歌“poi insert专栏”,POI目前没有API来做到这一点。您需要遍历行并自行调整所有引用。



To my knowledge, POI doesn't support this directly. You could create a copy of the worksheet and copy the data over, leaving room for your new column. You also need to take into consideration the need to re-write any formulas in the columns beyond your insertion point and any formulas that use those cells.




According to this post from 2008, which I got from Google "poi insert column", POI does not presently have an API to do this. You will need to iterate over the rows and adjust all references yourself.

根据我从2008年获得的这篇文章,我从谷歌“poi insert专栏”,POI目前没有API来做到这一点。您需要遍历行并自行调整所有引用。