如何可靠地从Excel VBA写入文本文件?

时间:2022-08-27 20:25:43

I'm trying to use Excel VBA to write to a text file. I'm doing a few of these:

我想用Excel VBA写一个文本文件。我正在做其中的一些:

MyFile1 = "C:\outputFromExcel1.txt"
fnum1 = FreeFile()
Open MyFile1 For Output As fnum1

and then writing to them like this:


Print #fnum1, text

All variables in the above are declared just with Dim. I'm writing hundreds of lines to the files and, very rarely, lines are being truncated -- i.e. the ends are being chopped off. Is there a better way to write to a file in Excel VBA?


EDIT: I've just realized that it's always the last lines to be written that are truncated. So I guess I need to close or flush the files somehow?


4 个解决方案



You can use Close #fnum1 to close the file handle and it should flush the remaining buffer contents.

您可以使用Close #fnum1关闭文件句柄,它应该刷新剩余的缓冲区内容。



Yes, you should be closing the files with the Close method. I'm not sure if that's what causing the problems but you should be doing that either way.


If you're doing a lot of filehandling in your VBA code it might be worth looking at using FSO (FileSystemObject), I think it was originally for letting VBScript do file processing, but I prefer it to both VB6s and VBAs built in file handling. See here for more details (and there's a big sample showing off how to do most things you need in one of those pages as well).




Have you considered writing the text to a different sheet (or a different workbook) and then using:


ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\MyFile.txt", FileFormat:=xlText

Not sure if this would give you better results (in terms of performance and/or formatting), but perhaps worth a try.




Just a necro solution: I have found the Close #1 method to still leave a truncated file. Instead, or in addition to, use the Application.Quit for Excel to close Excel. This flushes the cache and completes the write to the text file.

只有一个necro解决方案:我找到了Close #1方法,仍然保留一个被截断的文件。相反,或者除了使用应用程序之外。退出Excel关闭Excel。这将刷新缓存并完成对文本文件的写入。



You can use Close #fnum1 to close the file handle and it should flush the remaining buffer contents.

您可以使用Close #fnum1关闭文件句柄,它应该刷新剩余的缓冲区内容。



Yes, you should be closing the files with the Close method. I'm not sure if that's what causing the problems but you should be doing that either way.


If you're doing a lot of filehandling in your VBA code it might be worth looking at using FSO (FileSystemObject), I think it was originally for letting VBScript do file processing, but I prefer it to both VB6s and VBAs built in file handling. See here for more details (and there's a big sample showing off how to do most things you need in one of those pages as well).




Have you considered writing the text to a different sheet (or a different workbook) and then using:


ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:\MyFile.txt", FileFormat:=xlText

Not sure if this would give you better results (in terms of performance and/or formatting), but perhaps worth a try.




Just a necro solution: I have found the Close #1 method to still leave a truncated file. Instead, or in addition to, use the Application.Quit for Excel to close Excel. This flushes the cache and completes the write to the text file.

只有一个necro解决方案:我找到了Close #1方法,仍然保留一个被截断的文件。相反,或者除了使用应用程序之外。退出Excel关闭Excel。这将刷新缓存并完成对文本文件的写入。