使用Apache POI的Excel货币格式

时间:2022-07-30 20:25:11

I use Apache POI to write excel sheets. I'm very happy with it, but I have the following problem: my program is multi-currency and internationalized. In the excel sheet I write, I want my currency cells to be properly formatted. For that,

我使用Apache POI编写excel表。我很满意,但我有以下问题:我的程序是多币种和国际化的。在我写的excel表中,我希望我的货币单元格式正确。为了那个原因,

I need a routine that would build the right Excel currency format (eg: "[$$-409]#,##0.00;-[$$-409]#,##0.00") from java.util.Currency and java..util.Locale parameters.

我需要一个例程来构建正确的Excel货币格式(例如:“[$$ - 409]#,## 0.00; - [$$ - 409]#,## 0.00”)来自java.util.Currency和java ..util.Locale参数。

Something like: public String getExcelCurrencyFormat(Currency currency, Locale locale);

类似于:public String getExcelCurrencyFormat(Currency currency,Locale locale);

Is anyone aware of such a library?


1 个解决方案



Couldn't you just flag the field as being a currency field, and let Excel figure out the right format to use? Or does Excel require you to specify the format to produce the relevant 'type'?


I would have suggested using java.text.NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() but there appears to be no way to get the actual format used by the instance from the object itself (unless tostring() returns it).


Off the top of my head I can't think of anything else sorry.




Couldn't you just flag the field as being a currency field, and let Excel figure out the right format to use? Or does Excel require you to specify the format to produce the relevant 'type'?


I would have suggested using java.text.NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() but there appears to be no way to get the actual format used by the instance from the object itself (unless tostring() returns it).


Off the top of my head I can't think of anything else sorry.
