
时间:2022-01-17 20:22:04

I have a very simple table


categories(parent_id, title)

I'm trying to set a unique constraint so that two categories cannot have the same title and parent.


class CreateCategories < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :categories do |t|
      t.integer :parent_id
      t.string  :title, :null => false
    add_index :categories, [:title, :parent_id], :unique => true   

When parent_id is null it doesn't enforce uniqueness on the title which is what we need. Is it possible to make sure titles are unique for root categories as well?


2 个解决方案



You can create a unique index for that:


CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_categories_root_title
    ON categories (title)
    WHERE parent_id IS NULL

You'd sleep much better at night than relying on triggers or application-level validations :P




You can't do that with a UNIQUE constraint in PostgreSQL:


However, two null values are not considered equal in this comparison. That means even in the presence of a unique constraint it is possible to store duplicate rows that contain a null value in at least one of the constrained columns. This behavior conforms to the SQL standard, but we have heard that other SQL databases might not follow this rule.


The underlying problem is that x = NULL is false for all x in standard SQL.

潜在的问题是,对于标准SQL中的所有x, x = NULL都是假的。

You could enforce it for NULL parent_id values with a BEFORE INSERT and BEFORE UPDATE trigger but ActiveRecord doesn't know what triggers are so you'd have to maintain the trigger by hand. Alternatively, you could do it all in custom validations and hope that nothing touches your database without going through your model first.

可以在INSERT之前和UPDATE触发器之前强制执行NULL parent_id值,但是ActiveRecord不知道触发器是什么,所以必须手动维护触发器。或者,您可以在自定义验证中完成所有这些工作,并希望在没有首先遍历模型的情况下,不会有任何东西接触到您的数据库。



You can create a unique index for that:


CREATE UNIQUE INDEX ix_categories_root_title
    ON categories (title)
    WHERE parent_id IS NULL

You'd sleep much better at night than relying on triggers or application-level validations :P




You can't do that with a UNIQUE constraint in PostgreSQL:


However, two null values are not considered equal in this comparison. That means even in the presence of a unique constraint it is possible to store duplicate rows that contain a null value in at least one of the constrained columns. This behavior conforms to the SQL standard, but we have heard that other SQL databases might not follow this rule.


The underlying problem is that x = NULL is false for all x in standard SQL.

潜在的问题是,对于标准SQL中的所有x, x = NULL都是假的。

You could enforce it for NULL parent_id values with a BEFORE INSERT and BEFORE UPDATE trigger but ActiveRecord doesn't know what triggers are so you'd have to maintain the trigger by hand. Alternatively, you could do it all in custom validations and hope that nothing touches your database without going through your model first.

可以在INSERT之前和UPDATE触发器之前强制执行NULL parent_id值,但是ActiveRecord不知道触发器是什么,所以必须手动维护触发器。或者,您可以在自定义验证中完成所有这些工作,并希望在没有首先遍历模型的情况下,不会有任何东西接触到您的数据库。