Java从Apache poi获取excel单元格背景颜色

时间:2021-06-03 20:20:31

I am trying to get cell color info in .xlsx file using Apache POI.

我试图使用Apache POI在.xlsx文件中获取单元格颜色信息。

Method cellStyle.getFillBackgroundColor() is returning short. How can I convert short to java.awt.Color or any other format(XSSFColor).


Ultimately I want to store the value of cell based on its background color.


 Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(new FileInputStream (new File(SAMPLE_XLSX_FILE_PATH)));
    Sheet sheet = workbook.getSheetAt(0);
    DataFormatter dataFormatter = new DataFormatter();
    sheet.forEach(row -> {
        row.forEach(cell -> {
            String cellValue = dataFormatter.formatCellValue(cell);
            CellStyle cellStyle = cell.getCellStyle();
            //Color userColor = cellStyle.getFillBackgroundColor(); //ERROR 

I am using version 3.6 which I think do not support getFillBackgroundColorColor()



1 个解决方案



With .xlsx spreadsheets, you can call the getFillBackgroundColorColor (2 "Color" words) method. It returns an (not a very useful interface), that XSSFColor implements. Then you can cast it as XSSFColor.


XSSFColor = (XSSFColor) cellStyle.getFillBackgroundColorColor();

Alternatively, again with .xlxs spreadsheets, you can cast the CellStyle as an XSSFCellStyle, and XSSFCellStyle's getFillBackgroundColorColor method returns an XSSFColor directly. It also has getFillBackgroundXSSFColor which does the same thing.


Get the background fill color.


Note - many cells are actually filled with a foreground fill, not a background fill - see getFillForegroundColor()

注意 - 许多单元格实际上填充了前景填充,而不是背景填充 - 请参阅getFillForegroundColor()

Beware that solid fills are implemented as foreground colors, so the foreground color may be what you're really after. There are complementary methods for the foreground color, e.g. getFillForegroundColorColor.

请注意,实心填充是作为前景色实现的,因此前景色可能是您真正想要的。前景色有补充方法,例如: getFillForegroundColorColor。



With .xlsx spreadsheets, you can call the getFillBackgroundColorColor (2 "Color" words) method. It returns an (not a very useful interface), that XSSFColor implements. Then you can cast it as XSSFColor.


XSSFColor = (XSSFColor) cellStyle.getFillBackgroundColorColor();

Alternatively, again with .xlxs spreadsheets, you can cast the CellStyle as an XSSFCellStyle, and XSSFCellStyle's getFillBackgroundColorColor method returns an XSSFColor directly. It also has getFillBackgroundXSSFColor which does the same thing.


Get the background fill color.


Note - many cells are actually filled with a foreground fill, not a background fill - see getFillForegroundColor()

注意 - 许多单元格实际上填充了前景填充,而不是背景填充 - 请参阅getFillForegroundColor()

Beware that solid fills are implemented as foreground colors, so the foreground color may be what you're really after. There are complementary methods for the foreground color, e.g. getFillForegroundColorColor.

请注意,实心填充是作为前景色实现的,因此前景色可能是您真正想要的。前景色有补充方法,例如: getFillForegroundColorColor。