Web.config中的ASP.net 5 Web API模块部分

时间:2022-11-06 20:21:18

I would like to add the following to Web.config of a Web api created in asp.net 5. modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests="true"

我想将以下内容添加到在asp.net 5中创建的Web api的Web.config中.modules runAllManagedModulesForAllRequests =“true”

This was working fine in my Web api which was not asp.net 5. In asp.net where to add this?

这在我的Web api中工作正常,这不是asp.net 5.在asp.net中添加这个?

Any help greatly appreciated.




1 个解决方案



There is no more web.config in ASP.NET 5.

ASP.NET 5中没有更多的web.config。

In fact there is no more modules. The old pipeline is no more. To be honest... it look similar but it's not the same framework as before.


I would highly recommend that you start by reading a bit on the new framework.


There's also a series that's called ASP.NET Monsters that deep dive into it. You should take a look since it looks you are starting from scratch.

还有一个名为ASP.NET Monsters的系列深入探讨它。您应该看一下,因为看起来您从头开始。



There is no more web.config in ASP.NET 5.

ASP.NET 5中没有更多的web.config。

In fact there is no more modules. The old pipeline is no more. To be honest... it look similar but it's not the same framework as before.


I would highly recommend that you start by reading a bit on the new framework.


There's also a series that's called ASP.NET Monsters that deep dive into it. You should take a look since it looks you are starting from scratch.

还有一个名为ASP.NET Monsters的系列深入探讨它。您应该看一下,因为看起来您从头开始。