
时间:2021-03-19 20:20:12

I have read this post: Read/Parse text file line by line in VBA. This post tells you how to read a line from a text file. However, I need to read a line and check whether it contains a number and if it does, I need to delete the line and save the text file.


While Not EOF(FileNum)
    Line Input #FileNum, DataLine
    If FindValue(DataLine) Then
        'Stuck here.
    End If

End Sub

Function FindValue(ByVal DataLine As Variant) As Boolean
    For Index = 0 To NoOfLiquidatedDeals - 1
        pos = InStr(DataLine, NoOfLiquidatedDealsArray(Index))
        If pos > 0 Then
            FindValue = True
        End If
End Function

I can read the line and check whether it contains a number. But I am not sure how to delete the line and save the text file. Need some guidance on this.


1 个解决方案



You'll need to re-write the file, In other words:


  1. Open input.txt for Input
  2. 打开输入的input.txt

  3. Open output.txt for Output
  4. 打开输出的output.txt

  5. Write all the lines that don't match to output.txt
  6. 写下与output.txt不匹配的所有行

  7. Delete input.txt
  8. Rename output.txt to input.txt
  9. 将output.txt重命名为input.txt

And in code:


Open "input.txt" For Input as #1
Open "output.txt" For Output as #2
While Not EOF(#1)
    Input #1, DataLine
    If Not FindValue(DataLine) Then
        Print #2,DataLine
    End If
Close #2
Close #1
Kill "input.txt"
Name "output.txt" As "input.txt"



You'll need to re-write the file, In other words:


  1. Open input.txt for Input
  2. 打开输入的input.txt

  3. Open output.txt for Output
  4. 打开输出的output.txt

  5. Write all the lines that don't match to output.txt
  6. 写下与output.txt不匹配的所有行

  7. Delete input.txt
  8. Rename output.txt to input.txt
  9. 将output.txt重命名为input.txt

And in code:


Open "input.txt" For Input as #1
Open "output.txt" For Output as #2
While Not EOF(#1)
    Input #1, DataLine
    If Not FindValue(DataLine) Then
        Print #2,DataLine
    End If
Close #2
Close #1
Kill "input.txt"
Name "output.txt" As "input.txt"