
时间:2022-12-04 20:21:15

My java code is unable to delete files on the the system hard drive.


Whenever file.delete() function is called, it returns false. Any ideas, why that might be happening?


7 个解决方案



File.delete() can fail to delete a file for many reasons including:


  • you don't have correct permissions to delete the file
  • 您没有正确的权限来删除该文件
  • the file represents a directory and the directory is not empty
  • 该文件表示一个目录,该目录不为空
  • the file is locked by another process, (or even by the same process in say an unclosed FileOutputStream)
  • 该文件被另一个进程锁定,(或者甚至通过相同的进程,例如未关闭的FileOutputStream)
  • the file doesn't exist
  • 该文件不存在



File.delete() can return false if you are trying to delete a directory that is not empty, or the named file simply doesn't exist at the time of the call.


(if there is a permission issue, a SecurityException is thrown)




I had the same issue in my code and found that the culprit was actually an unclosed FileInputStream. After closing that FIS my file deleted without any problems. I hope this helps someone.




The usual reasons are insufficient permissions (although normally that would throw an exception), trying to delete a non-existant file or trying to delete a non-empty directory. Are you totally sure that you have permissions to delete the file you are trying to delete?




Some process might be reading/writing the file, so that it is locked. Or then your process does not have permissions to delete the file. If the file is a directory, all files inside it must be deleted first before the directory can be deleted. And finally there is the situation that the file does not exist, so the delete method will return false.




Windows? Use the Process Explorer to search for all processes which keep a handle (lock) on the file (or if this is a directory on any file inside of it).

视窗?使用Process Explorer搜索在文件上保留句柄(锁定)的所有进程(或者如果这是其中任何文件的目录)。

On Linux, use fuser.




You might be trying to delete any file exists in C: Drive and on that you might not have the permissions to do so. Try to put it inside any other drive than C: and then run your code. Hope it works for you. :)

您可能正在尝试删除C:Drive中存在的任何文件,并且您可能没有权限这样做。尝试将其放在除C之外的任何其他驱动器中,然后运行您的代码。希望对你有效。 :)



File.delete() can fail to delete a file for many reasons including:


  • you don't have correct permissions to delete the file
  • 您没有正确的权限来删除该文件
  • the file represents a directory and the directory is not empty
  • 该文件表示一个目录,该目录不为空
  • the file is locked by another process, (or even by the same process in say an unclosed FileOutputStream)
  • 该文件被另一个进程锁定,(或者甚至通过相同的进程,例如未关闭的FileOutputStream)
  • the file doesn't exist
  • 该文件不存在



File.delete() can return false if you are trying to delete a directory that is not empty, or the named file simply doesn't exist at the time of the call.


(if there is a permission issue, a SecurityException is thrown)




I had the same issue in my code and found that the culprit was actually an unclosed FileInputStream. After closing that FIS my file deleted without any problems. I hope this helps someone.




The usual reasons are insufficient permissions (although normally that would throw an exception), trying to delete a non-existant file or trying to delete a non-empty directory. Are you totally sure that you have permissions to delete the file you are trying to delete?




Some process might be reading/writing the file, so that it is locked. Or then your process does not have permissions to delete the file. If the file is a directory, all files inside it must be deleted first before the directory can be deleted. And finally there is the situation that the file does not exist, so the delete method will return false.




Windows? Use the Process Explorer to search for all processes which keep a handle (lock) on the file (or if this is a directory on any file inside of it).

视窗?使用Process Explorer搜索在文件上保留句柄(锁定)的所有进程(或者如果这是其中任何文件的目录)。

On Linux, use fuser.




You might be trying to delete any file exists in C: Drive and on that you might not have the permissions to do so. Try to put it inside any other drive than C: and then run your code. Hope it works for you. :)

您可能正在尝试删除C:Drive中存在的任何文件,并且您可能没有权限这样做。尝试将其放在除C之外的任何其他驱动器中,然后运行您的代码。希望对你有效。 :)