【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

时间:2023-03-08 17:24:26
【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

In this blog we mainly talk about the access control including limitation of ip, setting listen port and usage of username and password. In the official document, mongodb server start without the argument , so once the connection
was created, the remote client could do everything. But in the productive environment it’s advisable to take security into consideration and to enhance the security protection. For the sake of lowing the potential risk, the above measures could be taken to
deal with these problems. 

First, Binding IP address to access MongoDB. 

Mongodb could put restriction on the ip address thought argument ‘bind_ip’ when being started. For example, now we only limit ip address[] to access the server.

【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

Secondly, use the certain port

【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

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Thirdly,  add user and password

【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

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【MongoDB】The Access control of mongodb

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