I'm working on the login part of my app and I thought of using ReactiveCocoa 4. :)
我正在处理我的应用程序的登录部分,我想使用ReactiveCocoa 4. :)
This is in my view's init:
self.viewModel.loginSignal = self.LoginButton.rac_signalForControlEvents(UIControlEvents.TouchUpInside)!
self.viewModel.loginStatus.producer.startWithNext({ status in
Where setLoginButtonStatus
will just disable/enable the button, etc. and status
is just an enum.
And this is in my view model's initSignals()
self.loginSignal!.toSignalProducer().start({ sender in
Where loginSignal
is declared as var loginSignal: RACSignal?
其中loginSignal声明为var loginSignal:RACSignal?。
This is in my validateLoginInput
self.loginStatus.value = MyStatus.Login.IN_PROGRESS // So button would be disabled
session.rac_dataWithRequest(request).map({ data, response in
return MyResponse(data, response)
}).startWithNext({ response
// Say MyResponse class would check the reponse if login is successful
if response.isSuccessful() {
self.loginStatus.value = MyStatus.Login.SUCCESS
} else {
self.loginStatus.value = MyStatus.Login.FAIL
The view should disable the button at first, then re-enable it when the session finishes and when response.isSuccessful()
is true.
Well, it works for now, but I am wondering if I am using MVVM with ReactCocoa 4 appropriately.
嗯,它现在有效,但我想知道我是否正在使用MVVM和ReactCocoa 4。
Also, I've been getting a "warning" that bothers me a bit. This appears like a second after the HTTP request gets is response.
2015-12-02 12:15:32.566 MyProject[460:48610] This application is
modifying the autolayout engine from a background thread, which can
lead to engine corruption and weird crashes. This will cause an
exception in a future release.
Is it because I'm using v4.0.0-alpha.4
on Swift 2.1
? This actually delays the re-enabling of my button.
是因为我在Swift 2.1上使用v4.0.0-alpha.4吗?这实际上会延迟重新启用我的按钮。
I'm getting confused with the examples in the web as most of them are in Objective-C and I think some function names changed, etc...
Thanks a lot!
1 个解决方案
Others can speak about the MVVM approach you're taking, but regarding the warning you're seeing: that's because you're using UIKit from a background thread. I imagine this comes from the self.setLoginButtonStatus
call. Depending on what signals your binding to that property it's possible (and it's happening in this case) that the values emitted by its producer are not emitted on the main thread.
To fix that, you can use observeOn
, to forward values to the main thread:
.startWithNext { status in
Others can speak about the MVVM approach you're taking, but regarding the warning you're seeing: that's because you're using UIKit from a background thread. I imagine this comes from the self.setLoginButtonStatus
call. Depending on what signals your binding to that property it's possible (and it's happening in this case) that the values emitted by its producer are not emitted on the main thread.
To fix that, you can use observeOn
, to forward values to the main thread:
.startWithNext { status in