I have done a lot of research and the longer i search and can't find an answer the happier i get.
I have written my own php mvc web framework, and i worry that SQL Injection is the only vulnerability i needed to worry about.
我已经编写了自己的php mvc web框架,我担心SQL Injection是我唯一需要担心的漏洞。
I used my own database abstraction methods and support different databases, and my statements are sql injection proof. So my question is simple, is there anything else i need to worry about, in regards to protecting my database.
If there are any, please provide details or an article where i can get more information, and if possible, solutions too.
Thank you. Ibrahim
4 个解决方案
If you allow uploads, do you limit the size of the files that are uploaded, or the amount?
Besides protecting yourself from SQL injection, do you explicitly limit the length of data?
Do you limit the amount of times data can be inserted into your database?
Besides SQL injection, are you protected against JavaScript injection? If I store
<script>malicious code</script>
in your database, are you sure that the code won't be executed when someone views my text via a browser?除了SQL注入,你是否可以防止JavaScript注入?如果我将
There's a lot more to worry about than SQL injection, just take a look at the list here:
Some of the more common ones are:
- Session hijacking
- Being able to guess (and access) other records by id
- Non-encrypted public record IDs
- Ability to upload executable files
- Ability to access other's files
- Authentication/authorization vulnerabilities
- Session fixation
The list goes on and on but take a look at PHP's security doc user notes, there's some pretty good comments in there:
Datawise, escape all incoming data and entity/specialchars all outgoing data. Simple philosophy that ensures you only operate on data once going in and once going out.
Consider session hijacking, cookie edits hacks, form tampering (don't use direct value of select and hidden forms. assign them a key like an integer that corresponds to an element in an array and use that key to get the value of the element.)
考虑会话劫持,cookie编辑黑客,形式篡改(不要使用选择和隐藏表单的直接值。为它们分配一个键,如对应于数组中元素的整数,并使用该键获取元素的值。 )
if you're usint .net just do a quick google search. You can prevent most attacks by modifying your web config.
如果你是usint .net只是做一个快速的谷歌搜索。您可以通过修改Web配置来阻止大多数攻击。
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms protection="All" loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" timeout="30" slidingExpiration="true" />
as far as other things, then yes there are a few things you might need to worry about. such as people passing <script>alert('boo');</script>
in their input. so when it's time for outputting the database value, you might subject your customers to security threats. assuming teh alert('boo') is something more evil.
tehre's a comprehensive list here https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page
If you allow uploads, do you limit the size of the files that are uploaded, or the amount?
Besides protecting yourself from SQL injection, do you explicitly limit the length of data?
Do you limit the amount of times data can be inserted into your database?
Besides SQL injection, are you protected against JavaScript injection? If I store
<script>malicious code</script>
in your database, are you sure that the code won't be executed when someone views my text via a browser?除了SQL注入,你是否可以防止JavaScript注入?如果我将
There's a lot more to worry about than SQL injection, just take a look at the list here:
Some of the more common ones are:
- Session hijacking
- Being able to guess (and access) other records by id
- Non-encrypted public record IDs
- Ability to upload executable files
- Ability to access other's files
- Authentication/authorization vulnerabilities
- Session fixation
The list goes on and on but take a look at PHP's security doc user notes, there's some pretty good comments in there:
Datawise, escape all incoming data and entity/specialchars all outgoing data. Simple philosophy that ensures you only operate on data once going in and once going out.
Consider session hijacking, cookie edits hacks, form tampering (don't use direct value of select and hidden forms. assign them a key like an integer that corresponds to an element in an array and use that key to get the value of the element.)
考虑会话劫持,cookie编辑黑客,形式篡改(不要使用选择和隐藏表单的直接值。为它们分配一个键,如对应于数组中元素的整数,并使用该键获取元素的值。 )
if you're usint .net just do a quick google search. You can prevent most attacks by modifying your web config.
如果你是usint .net只是做一个快速的谷歌搜索。您可以通过修改Web配置来阻止大多数攻击。
<authentication mode="Forms">
<forms protection="All" loginUrl="~/Account/Login.aspx" timeout="30" slidingExpiration="true" />
as far as other things, then yes there are a few things you might need to worry about. such as people passing <script>alert('boo');</script>
in their input. so when it's time for outputting the database value, you might subject your customers to security threats. assuming teh alert('boo') is something more evil.
tehre's a comprehensive list here https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Main_Page