
时间:2021-03-17 20:12:41

I'm trying to create a rule used in a .htaccess file to match anything but a particular string, in this case: index.


I thought that it should be possible to match this special string first and use [L] but that's not working,
and it should be possible using the following regex, but it causes a 500 error.


I want to match:


  • pagename1
  • pagename1
  • pagename2/whatever
  • pagename2 /什么
  • pagename3/234/whatever
  • pagename3 / 234 /什么
  • about
  • 关于
  • contact-us
  • 联系我们
  • (etc)
  • (等等)

but not


  • index/123
  • 索引/ 123
  • index/124/whatever
  • 索引/ 124 /不管

(BTW "index" is the name of a file with no extension, not my choice, this is a work thing)



I assume that apache's implementation of regex doesn't cope with the (?!xxx) rule.


Any help/suggestions will be much appreciated.


3 个解决方案



You can use RewriteConds to do this, for example:


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^index
RewriteRule (.*) index.php?what=$1

That will rewrite every URL which doesn't start by index. If you want it to avoid it anywhere in the URL, remove the ^




(Please read the comments. I doubt it and I've never encountered problems, while it gives one much cleaner .htaccess files, but: using RewriteCond might be preferred over using RewriteRule with a dash, due to how rulesets are processed?)


Just use RewriteRule as follows, to not rewrite (the dash), and stop subsequent rewriting (the [L]) for anything that starts with index/:

只需使用RewriteRule,如下所示,不重写(短划线),并停止后续重写([L])任何以index /开头的事情:

# Do not rewrite anything that starts with index/
RewriteRule ^index/ - [L]

After this, do any rewriting you like.


Or maybe even limit some more first:


# Do not rewrite files, directories or symbolic links 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR] 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l 
RewriteRule . - [L]



Apache used three different regular expression implementations. The first was System V8, since Apache 1.3 they used POSIX ERE and since Apache 2 they use PCRE. And only PCRE supports look-ahead assertions. So you need Apache 2 to use that rule.

Apache使用三种不同的正则表达式实现。第一个是System V8,因为Apache 1.3他们使用POSIX ERE,而自Apache 2以来他们使用PCRE。并且只有PCRE支持预见断言。因此,您需要Apache 2才能使用该规则。

But now to your question. If you use this rule:


RewriteRule ^index/ - [L]

anything that starts with /index/ should be catched by this rule and no further rule should be applied.

以/ index /开头的任何内容都应该被此规则捕获,不应再应用其他规则。

But if that doesn’t work, try this:


RewriteRule !^index/ …

Again, this rule will be applied on any request that’s URL path doesn’t start with /index/.

同样,此规则将应用于URL路径不以/ index /开头的任何请求。

And if you want to capture anything from the URL, use a RewriteCond condition to test either the full URL path itself (%{REQUEST_URI}) or just the match of one of your pattern groups:


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index/
RewriteRule (.*) …
# or
RewriteCond $1 !^index$
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/(.*) …



You can use RewriteConds to do this, for example:


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^index
RewriteRule (.*) index.php?what=$1

That will rewrite every URL which doesn't start by index. If you want it to avoid it anywhere in the URL, remove the ^




(Please read the comments. I doubt it and I've never encountered problems, while it gives one much cleaner .htaccess files, but: using RewriteCond might be preferred over using RewriteRule with a dash, due to how rulesets are processed?)


Just use RewriteRule as follows, to not rewrite (the dash), and stop subsequent rewriting (the [L]) for anything that starts with index/:

只需使用RewriteRule,如下所示,不重写(短划线),并停止后续重写([L])任何以index /开头的事情:

# Do not rewrite anything that starts with index/
RewriteRule ^index/ - [L]

After this, do any rewriting you like.


Or maybe even limit some more first:


# Do not rewrite files, directories or symbolic links 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR] 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d [OR] 
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l 
RewriteRule . - [L]



Apache used three different regular expression implementations. The first was System V8, since Apache 1.3 they used POSIX ERE and since Apache 2 they use PCRE. And only PCRE supports look-ahead assertions. So you need Apache 2 to use that rule.

Apache使用三种不同的正则表达式实现。第一个是System V8,因为Apache 1.3他们使用POSIX ERE,而自Apache 2以来他们使用PCRE。并且只有PCRE支持预见断言。因此,您需要Apache 2才能使用该规则。

But now to your question. If you use this rule:


RewriteRule ^index/ - [L]

anything that starts with /index/ should be catched by this rule and no further rule should be applied.

以/ index /开头的任何内容都应该被此规则捕获,不应再应用其他规则。

But if that doesn’t work, try this:


RewriteRule !^index/ …

Again, this rule will be applied on any request that’s URL path doesn’t start with /index/.

同样,此规则将应用于URL路径不以/ index /开头的任何请求。

And if you want to capture anything from the URL, use a RewriteCond condition to test either the full URL path itself (%{REQUEST_URI}) or just the match of one of your pattern groups:


RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/index/
RewriteRule (.*) …
# or
RewriteCond $1 !^index$
RewriteRule ^([^/]+)/(.*) …