
时间:2021-09-21 20:10:57

In WPF, the CollectionViewSource allows for sorting (SortDescriptions) and grouping (GroupDescriptions). However, I can't find a way to order the groups. Is it possible?


2 个解决方案



<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs" Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource animals}, Path=AnimalList}">
        <PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Category"/>
        <scm:SortDescription PropertyName="Category" />
        <scm:SortDescription PropertyName="Name" />

Just add two SortDescriptions.Adding two sort descriptions allows us to sort the groups first and then the items within the groups.


For more check here






Groups sorting is possible though it's not so straightforward. I'll explain it on the example.


class CollectionElement
     public string Name {get; set; }
     public string Group {get; set; }

If you wish to group elements and sort the groups alphabetically then sort elements within each group alphabetically then you should do the following:


  1. Add PropertyGroupDescription referencing Group property
  2. 添加引用组属性的PropertyGroupDescription
  3. Add SortDescription referencing Group
  4. 添加引用组的SortDescription
  5. Add SortDescription referencing Name
  6. 添加引用名称的SortDescription

The grouping process seems to work effectively like the following way: Iterate through already sorted elements consequently. When encountering element form unknown group - create a group and add it to groups list. When encountering element from existing group - add it to the existing group. (Actual implementation may be different). So if your elements are sorted in the order you wish your groups to appear you will effectively sort the groups.

分组过程似乎有效地工作如下:因此迭代已经排序的元素。遇到未知组的元素时 - 创建一个组并将其添加到组列表中。遇到现有组中的元素时 - 将其添加到现有组。 (实际实施可能会有所不同)。因此,如果您的元素按照您希望组显示的顺序排序,您将有效地对组进行排序。



<CollectionViewSource x:Key="cvs" Source="{Binding Source={StaticResource animals}, Path=AnimalList}">
        <PropertyGroupDescription PropertyName="Category"/>
        <scm:SortDescription PropertyName="Category" />
        <scm:SortDescription PropertyName="Name" />

Just add two SortDescriptions.Adding two sort descriptions allows us to sort the groups first and then the items within the groups.


For more check here






Groups sorting is possible though it's not so straightforward. I'll explain it on the example.


class CollectionElement
     public string Name {get; set; }
     public string Group {get; set; }

If you wish to group elements and sort the groups alphabetically then sort elements within each group alphabetically then you should do the following:


  1. Add PropertyGroupDescription referencing Group property
  2. 添加引用组属性的PropertyGroupDescription
  3. Add SortDescription referencing Group
  4. 添加引用组的SortDescription
  5. Add SortDescription referencing Name
  6. 添加引用名称的SortDescription

The grouping process seems to work effectively like the following way: Iterate through already sorted elements consequently. When encountering element form unknown group - create a group and add it to groups list. When encountering element from existing group - add it to the existing group. (Actual implementation may be different). So if your elements are sorted in the order you wish your groups to appear you will effectively sort the groups.

分组过程似乎有效地工作如下:因此迭代已经排序的元素。遇到未知组的元素时 - 创建一个组并将其添加到组列表中。遇到现有组中的元素时 - 将其添加到现有组。 (实际实施可能会有所不同)。因此,如果您的元素按照您希望组显示的顺序排序,您将有效地对组进行排序。