
时间:2021-08-23 20:14:08

When "deconstructing" a tuple, I can use _ to denote tuple elements I'm not interested in, e.g.


>>> a,_,_ = (1,2,3)
>>> a

Using Python 2.x, how can I express the same with function arguments? I tried to use underscores:

使用Python 2.x,如何用函数参数表达相同的内容?我试着使用下划线:

>>> def f(a,_,_): return a
  File "<stdin>", line 1
SyntaxError: duplicate argument '_' in function definition

I also tried to just omit the argument altogether:


>>> def f(a,,): return a
  File "<stdin>", line 1
    def f(a,,): return a
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

Is there another way to achieve the same?


6 个解决方案



Here's what I do with unused arguments:


def f(a, *unused):
    return a



A funny way I just thought of is to delete the variable:


def f(foo, unused1, unused2, unused3):
    del unused1, unused2, unused3
    return foo

This has numerous advantages:


  • The unused variable can still be used when calling the function both as a positional argument and as a keyword argument.
  • 在将函数作为位置参数和关键字参数调用时,仍然可以使用未使用的变量。
  • If you start to use it later, you can't since it's deleted, so there is less risk of mistakes.
  • 如果你以后开始使用它,你就不能删除,因此错误的风险会降低。
  • It's standard python syntax.
  • 这是标准的python语法。
  • PyCharm does the right thing!
  • PyCharm做对了!
  • PyLint won't complain and using del is the solution recommended in the PyLint manual.
  • PyLint不会抱怨并且使用del是PyLint手册中推荐的解决方案。



The underscore is used for things we don't care about and the * in *args denotes a list of arguments. Therefore, we can use *_ to denote a list of things we don't care about:

下划线用于我们不关心的事情,* in * args表示参数列表。因此,我们可以使用* _来表示我们不关心的事情列表:

def foo(bar, *_):
    return bar

It even passes PyCharm's checks.




You can use '_' as prefix, so that pylint will ignore these parameters:


def f(a, _b, _c):



If you have both args and keyword arg you should use


def f(a, *args, **kwargs):
    return a



I think the accepted answer is bad, but it can still work, if you use what I should call "Perl way" of dealing with arguments (I don't know Perl really, but I quit trying to learn it after seeing the sub syntax, with manual argument unpacking):


Your function has 3 arguments - this is what it gets called with (Duck typing, remember?). So you get:

你的函数有3个参数 - 这是它被调用的东西(鸭子打字,还记得吗?)。所以你得到:

def funfun(a, b, c):
    return b * 2

2 unused parameters. But now, enter improved larsmans' approach:


def funfun(*args):
    return args[1] * 2

And there go the warnings...


However, I still enjoy more the boxed's way:


def funfun(a, b, c):
    del a, c
    return b * 2

It keeps the self-documenting quality of parameter names. They're a feature, not a bug.


But, the language itself doesn't force you there - you could also go the other way around, and just let all your function have the signature (*args, **kwargs), and do the argument parsing manually every time. Imagine the level of control that gives you. And no more exceptions when being called in a deprecated way after changing your "signature" (argument count and meaning). This is something worth considering ;)

但是,语言本身并没有强迫你 - 你也可以反过来,让你的所有函数都有签名(* args,** kwargs),并且每次都手动解析参数。想象一下给你的控制水平。在更改“签名”(参数计数和含义)后以不推荐的方式调用时不再有异常。这是值得考虑的事情;)



Here's what I do with unused arguments:


def f(a, *unused):
    return a



A funny way I just thought of is to delete the variable:


def f(foo, unused1, unused2, unused3):
    del unused1, unused2, unused3
    return foo

This has numerous advantages:


  • The unused variable can still be used when calling the function both as a positional argument and as a keyword argument.
  • 在将函数作为位置参数和关键字参数调用时,仍然可以使用未使用的变量。
  • If you start to use it later, you can't since it's deleted, so there is less risk of mistakes.
  • 如果你以后开始使用它,你就不能删除,因此错误的风险会降低。
  • It's standard python syntax.
  • 这是标准的python语法。
  • PyCharm does the right thing!
  • PyCharm做对了!
  • PyLint won't complain and using del is the solution recommended in the PyLint manual.
  • PyLint不会抱怨并且使用del是PyLint手册中推荐的解决方案。



The underscore is used for things we don't care about and the * in *args denotes a list of arguments. Therefore, we can use *_ to denote a list of things we don't care about:

下划线用于我们不关心的事情,* in * args表示参数列表。因此,我们可以使用* _来表示我们不关心的事情列表:

def foo(bar, *_):
    return bar

It even passes PyCharm's checks.




You can use '_' as prefix, so that pylint will ignore these parameters:


def f(a, _b, _c):



If you have both args and keyword arg you should use


def f(a, *args, **kwargs):
    return a



I think the accepted answer is bad, but it can still work, if you use what I should call "Perl way" of dealing with arguments (I don't know Perl really, but I quit trying to learn it after seeing the sub syntax, with manual argument unpacking):


Your function has 3 arguments - this is what it gets called with (Duck typing, remember?). So you get:

你的函数有3个参数 - 这是它被调用的东西(鸭子打字,还记得吗?)。所以你得到:

def funfun(a, b, c):
    return b * 2

2 unused parameters. But now, enter improved larsmans' approach:


def funfun(*args):
    return args[1] * 2

And there go the warnings...


However, I still enjoy more the boxed's way:


def funfun(a, b, c):
    del a, c
    return b * 2

It keeps the self-documenting quality of parameter names. They're a feature, not a bug.


But, the language itself doesn't force you there - you could also go the other way around, and just let all your function have the signature (*args, **kwargs), and do the argument parsing manually every time. Imagine the level of control that gives you. And no more exceptions when being called in a deprecated way after changing your "signature" (argument count and meaning). This is something worth considering ;)

但是,语言本身并没有强迫你 - 你也可以反过来,让你的所有函数都有签名(* args,** kwargs),并且每次都手动解析参数。想象一下给你的控制水平。在更改“签名”(参数计数和含义)后以不推荐的方式调用时不再有异常。这是值得考虑的事情;)