那里有任何数据驱动的开源JEE5 EJB3 + JSF Sample Project吗?

时间:2021-08-23 20:14:20

I am looking for an open source project that uses EJB3 as backend and JSF as frontend. It should not be a tutorial but a real application that real people are using.


The application should be data-driven, i.e. the following aspects are fundamental and make 80% or more of the application.


  • form-based (many input forms)
  • 基于表单(许多输入表单)

  • table views, master/detail, etc.
  • 表格视图,主/细节等

  • CRUD (create/read/update/delete)-Operations have been implemented
  • CRUD(创建/读取/更新/删除) - 已实施操作

  • support for relations: 1:1, 1:n
  • 支持关系:1:1,1:n

  • JPA Entity Beans + EJB 3 Stateless Session Beans for Facade
  • JPA Entity Beans + EJB 3无状态会话Bean

  • no JBoss Seam
  • 没有JBoss Seam

Typical applications are CRM / ERP projects where people work a lot with lists, tables, and forms. But any other "administrative" application should be OK, too.

典型的应用是CRM / ERP项目,其中人们使用列表,表格和表单进行大量工作。但任何其他“管理”应用程序也应该没问题。

I know petstore, but that application isn't form-based. petstore is a end-user application. I am looking for backend-user applications.

我知道petstore,但该应用程序不是基于表单的。 petstore是最终用户应用程序。我正在寻找后端用户应用程序。

Something like Microsofts AdventureWorks series, but with EJB3+JSF... Something like SugarCRM, but with EJB3+JSF...

像Microsofts AdventureWorks系列,但是使用EJB3 + JSF ......像SugarCRM,但是使用EJB3 + JSF ......

I've googled a lot... with no results :-(


  • @Matthew: the samples provided with NetBeans are too simple.
  • @Matthew:随NetBeans提供的示例过于简单。

  • @JB: It should be a real application. Not a "how to do EJB+JSF" application.
  • @JB:它应该是一个真正的应用程序。不是“如何做EJB + JSF”应用程序。

  • @50-50: voted down because of seam
  • @ 50-50:由于接缝投票失败

  • @Kariem: I can't use seam, AppFuse hasn't EJB Session Beans
  • @Kariem:我不能使用seam,AppFuse没有EJB Session Beans

5 个解决方案



Seam examples are quite good - they are stand-alone projects, that you may deploy out of the box.

Seam示例非常好 - 它们是独立的项目,您可以开箱即用。



I feel your pain, this is not an answer, as much as an observation that the Java World in general suffers from the lack of good applications that go beyond the tutorial. Some of the sample .NET applications are very good and show interesting techniques, while solving small enough problems that the novice can wrap their heads around the entire application and see "real code" doing "real things".

我觉得你的痛苦,这不是一个答案,就像一个观察一样,Java World一般都缺乏超出教程的优秀应用程序。一些示例.NET应用程序非常好并且展示了有趣的技术,同时解决了足够小的问题,新手可以在整个应用程序中包围并看到“真实代码”做“真实的事情”。

I have not looked at the Seam examples, so they may well be an exception, but having sample applications, particularly the CRUD, Query, Report style back office applications you're talking about, are a great help to folks and I wish there were more in the Java community.




You might poke around at these real world JSF apps and see if any of them have their source available: RealWorldJsfLinks




I am not sure is it 100% what your looking for, but check out the built in example that comes packaged with NetBeans 6.1. It uses JSF/EJB3/ApacheDerby. I played around with it for like 20 minutes and thought it was pretty cool as a simple/starter JavaEE application to learn from.

我不确定它是100%您要查找的内容,但请查看随NetBeans 6.1打包的内置示例。它使用JSF / EJB3 / ApacheDerby。我玩了大约20分钟,并认为它是一个非常酷的简单/初学JavaEE应用程序来学习。



I have to second jb's comment: The seam examples are great and can be put to use. The Seam Homepage uses the Seam Wiki from the examples (that application alone fulfills all the outlined criteria). Other examples in the distribution: Hotel Booking, DVD Store, and a Blog. The documentation contains quite some information on the special parts of the examples.

我必须给第二个jb的评论:接缝的例子很棒,可以使用。 Seam主页使用示例中的Seam Wiki(该应用程序单独满足所有概述的标准)。分发中的其他示例:酒店预订,DVD商店和博客。该文档包含有关示例特殊部分的一些信息。

The "problem" might be that Seam covers a lot of the details you'd usually have to do in a traditional EJB3/JSF application. You might want to have a look at AppFuse or AppFuse Light. They have one application with examples using different technologies, including EJB3 (JPA only) and JSF. The examples are not as sophisticated (don't really fulfill your criteria), but contain a lot of useful stuff.

“问题”可能是Seam涵盖了传统EJB3 / JSF应用程序中通常需要做的许多细节。您可能想要查看AppFuse或AppFuse Light。他们有一个应用程序,其中包含使用不同技术的示例,包括EJB3(仅限JPA)和JSF。这些示例并不复杂(不能真正满足您的标准),但包含许多有用的东西。



Seam examples are quite good - they are stand-alone projects, that you may deploy out of the box.

Seam示例非常好 - 它们是独立的项目,您可以开箱即用。



I feel your pain, this is not an answer, as much as an observation that the Java World in general suffers from the lack of good applications that go beyond the tutorial. Some of the sample .NET applications are very good and show interesting techniques, while solving small enough problems that the novice can wrap their heads around the entire application and see "real code" doing "real things".

我觉得你的痛苦,这不是一个答案,就像一个观察一样,Java World一般都缺乏超出教程的优秀应用程序。一些示例.NET应用程序非常好并且展示了有趣的技术,同时解决了足够小的问题,新手可以在整个应用程序中包围并看到“真实代码”做“真实的事情”。

I have not looked at the Seam examples, so they may well be an exception, but having sample applications, particularly the CRUD, Query, Report style back office applications you're talking about, are a great help to folks and I wish there were more in the Java community.




You might poke around at these real world JSF apps and see if any of them have their source available: RealWorldJsfLinks




I am not sure is it 100% what your looking for, but check out the built in example that comes packaged with NetBeans 6.1. It uses JSF/EJB3/ApacheDerby. I played around with it for like 20 minutes and thought it was pretty cool as a simple/starter JavaEE application to learn from.

我不确定它是100%您要查找的内容,但请查看随NetBeans 6.1打包的内置示例。它使用JSF / EJB3 / ApacheDerby。我玩了大约20分钟,并认为它是一个非常酷的简单/初学JavaEE应用程序来学习。



I have to second jb's comment: The seam examples are great and can be put to use. The Seam Homepage uses the Seam Wiki from the examples (that application alone fulfills all the outlined criteria). Other examples in the distribution: Hotel Booking, DVD Store, and a Blog. The documentation contains quite some information on the special parts of the examples.

我必须给第二个jb的评论:接缝的例子很棒,可以使用。 Seam主页使用示例中的Seam Wiki(该应用程序单独满足所有概述的标准)。分发中的其他示例:酒店预订,DVD商店和博客。该文档包含有关示例特殊部分的一些信息。

The "problem" might be that Seam covers a lot of the details you'd usually have to do in a traditional EJB3/JSF application. You might want to have a look at AppFuse or AppFuse Light. They have one application with examples using different technologies, including EJB3 (JPA only) and JSF. The examples are not as sophisticated (don't really fulfill your criteria), but contain a lot of useful stuff.

“问题”可能是Seam涵盖了传统EJB3 / JSF应用程序中通常需要做的许多细节。您可能想要查看AppFuse或AppFuse Light。他们有一个应用程序,其中包含使用不同技术的示例,包括EJB3(仅限JPA)和JSF。这些示例并不复杂(不能真正满足您的标准),但包含许多有用的东西。