I have a ui:repeat list which pulls a bunch of values off my DB & I use it in a jQuery based news-ticker. I am trying to get this list to update/re-render via ajax periodically as I am effectively displaying the latest news entries into my db, using the primefaces p:poll method.
我有一个ui:重复列表,从我的数据库中提取了一堆值,我在基于jQuery的新闻自动收录器中使用它。我正在尝试通过ajax定期更新/重新呈现此列表,因为我使用primefaces p:poll方法有效地将最新的新闻条目显示到我的数据库中。
Alternatively I already have a p:poll ajax function working already, that polls the number of items I have stored in my db, which I would like to link to my ui:repeat list to update based on this figure changing, but for now I am simply trying to get it to update!
或者我已经有ap:poll ajax函数已经工作,它会轮询我存储在我的数据库中的项目数,我想链接到我的ui:重复列表,根据这个数字更改更新,但是现在我是只是想让它更新!
Here is how the ui:repeat list is compiled:
<div id="ticker-wrapper" class="no-js">
<ui:repeat id="newsTickerList" value="#{dbWidgetBean.latestNewsList}" var="newsItem">
<ul id="js-news" class="js-hidden">
<li class="news-item">
<h:outputLink value="#{newsItem.rssLink}" target="_blank">
<b><h:outputText value="#{newsItem.indexName}: "/></b>
<h:outputText value="#{newsItem.testFeedLatest}"/>
<p:poll interval="60" listener="#{dbWidgetBean.latestNewsList}" update="newsTickerList"/>
I have tried various derivatives of the above code & the list is built fine within the @PostConstruct element, but I cant get the list to update!
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
1 个解决方案
Have you tried updating the surrounding div "ticker-wrapper" tag? If that doesn't work, replace the div with p:outputPanle and update that.
Have you tried updating the surrounding div "ticker-wrapper" tag? If that doesn't work, replace the div with p:outputPanle and update that.