JS style.display和.NET之间的区别是可见的

时间:2021-10-24 20:09:47

I have seen some instances where people will say you have to use JS .style.display = 'none'; and that .NET .Visible = false will not work.

我见过一些人会说你必须使用JS .style.display ='none';并且.NET .Visible = false将不起作用。

What is the difference between the two and why would something work with the JS and not with the .NET?


An example is http://www.componentart.com/forums/ShowPost.aspx?PostID=27586 (see the bottom post)



3 个解决方案


  • display: none completely hides the element, 0px * 0px, but the HTML element is still there in the source
  • display:none完全隐藏元素0px * 0px,但HTML元素仍然存在于源代码中

  • Visible = false removes the HTML element from the HTML output
  • Visible = false从HTML输出中删除HTML元素

  • A third option, visibility: hidden hides the element but reserves the space for it in the layout
  • 第三个选项,visibility:hidden隐藏元素,但在布局中为其保留空间


That really depends on the component, at a default capacity in asp.net setting a controls Visible property to false will prevent rendering it to the output stream at all. However with some custom components it may just set a style attribute to hide the rendered elements. I believe in the case pointed out the ComponentArt control in question is dependent on a built in control and if you set the built in control visibility to false it might break the functionality of the ComponentArt control.



Setting Visible="false" means that the control will not be rendered to the client at all, style.display='none' will render the control, just not show it.

设置Visible =“false”意味着控件根本不会呈现给客户端,style.display ='none'将呈现控件,只是不显示它。


  • display: none completely hides the element, 0px * 0px, but the HTML element is still there in the source
  • display:none完全隐藏元素0px * 0px,但HTML元素仍然存在于源代码中

  • Visible = false removes the HTML element from the HTML output
  • Visible = false从HTML输出中删除HTML元素

  • A third option, visibility: hidden hides the element but reserves the space for it in the layout
  • 第三个选项,visibility:hidden隐藏元素,但在布局中为其保留空间


That really depends on the component, at a default capacity in asp.net setting a controls Visible property to false will prevent rendering it to the output stream at all. However with some custom components it may just set a style attribute to hide the rendered elements. I believe in the case pointed out the ComponentArt control in question is dependent on a built in control and if you set the built in control visibility to false it might break the functionality of the ComponentArt control.



Setting Visible="false" means that the control will not be rendered to the client at all, style.display='none' will render the control, just not show it.

设置Visible =“false”意味着控件根本不会呈现给客户端,style.display ='none'将呈现控件,只是不显示它。